Workout Tracker A consumer will reach their fitness goals quicker when they track their workout progress.
As a user, I want to be able to view create and track daily workouts. I want to be able to log multiple exercises in a workout on a given day. I should also be able to track the name, type, weight, sets, reps, and duration of exercise. If the exercise is a cardio exercise, I should be able to track my distance traveled.
- As a User I can add exercises to a previous workout plan
- As a User I add new exercises to a new workout plan
- As a User I can view multiple the combined weight of multiple exercises on the
- Allow user to add exercises to a previous workout plan
- Allow user add new exercises to a new workout plan
- Displays multiple the combined weight of multiple exercises on the
Link to Workout Tracker deployed on Heroku - Workout Tracker Live App
Link to GitHub Repo used for application development - Workout Tracker GitHub Repo
To test this project, simply follow these steps:
Pre-requirements: Have an available connection to Mongo database
Make sure node.js is installed in your machine. If not is installed in your machine click here to download the application.
npm install or npm i
in your terminal in order to install all required node modules listed in the package.json. -
Clone the following project into a your local file system
git clone
run node server.js
in order to start locally the App/
Here is a list of all the core technologies / core dependencies used to develop this application.
Node.js - An asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime
Express - Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications
Deploy web app using Heroku
The dependencies listed below are all the npm packages
used throughout the App.
- minimalist web framework for node.morgan
- HTTP request logger middleware for node.jsmongoose
- object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environmentdotenv
- loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env
"The code in this project is licensed under MIT license."
**developed with love by **@ystamaritq****