RGB split effect
Split R, G, B channels from a PNG file (loaded with pygame)
# Returns separate channels R, G, B with per-pixel information
# Use pygame special_flags pygame.BLEND_RGB_ADD
# when bliting channels to your display (additive mode)
def rgb_split_channels_alpha(surface_: pygame.Surface):
return rgb_split_channels_alpha_c(surface_)
cdef rgb_split_channels_alpha_c(surface_: pygame.Surface):
assert isinstance(surface_, pygame.Surface), \
'\nPositional argument surface_ must be a pygame.Surface, got %s ' % type(surface_)
if surface_.get_width() == 0 or surface_.get_height() == 0:
raise ValueError('\nIncorrect pixel size or wrong format.'
'\nsurface_ dimensions (width, height) cannot be null.')
alpha_array = pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(surface_)
except ValueError:
# unsupported colormasks for alpha reference array
print('\nUnsupported colormasks for alpha reference array.')
raise ValueError('\nMake sure the surface_ contains per-pixel alpha transparency values.')
width, height = surface_.get_size()
zeros = numpy.zeros((height, width, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8)
int w = width
int h = height
unsigned char [:, :, :] red_s = zeros
unsigned char [:, :, :] green_s = zeros.copy()
unsigned char [:, :, :] blue_s = zeros.copy()
unsigned char [:, :] red = pygame.surfarray.pixels_red(surface_)
unsigned char [:, :] green = pygame.surfarray.pixels_green(surface_)
unsigned char [:, :] blue = pygame.surfarray.pixels_blue(surface_)
unsigned char [:, :] alpha = alpha_array
unsigned char a
for i in range(w):
for j in range(h):
a = alpha[i, j]
red_s[j, i, 0], red_s[j, i, 1], red_s[j, i, 2], red_s[j, i, 3] = red[i, j], 0, 0, a
green_s[j, i, 0], green_s[j, i, 1], green_s[j, i, 2], green_s[j, i, 3] = 0, green[i, j], 0, a
blue_s[j, i, 0], blue_s[j, i, 1], blue_s[j, i, 2], blue_s[j, i, 3] = 0, 0, blue[i, j], a
return pygame.image.frombuffer(red_s, (w, h), 'RGBA'),\
pygame.image.frombuffer(green_s, (w, h), 'RGBA'),\
pygame.image.frombuffer(blue_s, (w, h), 'RGBA')