React Global State e-commerce application. Users can shop and filter by gender for t-shirts as well as create accounts and make purchases through Stripe.
- Please deploy application at Heroku
- Users would be able to click on store app name Flambot Corp, and open a list of t-shirt products for sale with their own descriptions.
- Users can buy t-shirts filtered by selection on color, graphic kind, and sleeve size.
- Users would be able to sign up/login to checkout products that where already selected in shopping cart.
- Once you activate checkout button, you will be able to fill out credit cart information, using Stripe-checkout, having at the same time a list of your already selected products altogether with their descriptions.
- After success message on payment, you will be redirected to main page of application.
- React
- JavaScript
- Semantic-UI CSS
- Apollo
- GraphQL
- IndexedDB
- Web-vitals
- Jest
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