Welcome to my personal portfolio! I'm Youssef FDIL, a passionate Full Stack Developer and UI/UX enthusiast. Here you can explore my work, learn about my skills, and connect with me. This portfolio showcases my professional journey, skills, and projects, all crafted with love and creativity.
- React.js: The main library for building the user interface.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework used for styling the portfolio.
- Vite.js: Fast and optimized build tool for a faster development experience.
- Lucide Icons: Elegant icons for enhancing the user interface.
- About Me: Learn more about my journey as a developer and my passion for coding and design.
- Skills: A comprehensive list of technologies and tools I’m proficient in, ranging from frontend to backend development.
- Projects: A collection of my most significant projects, including links to live demos and GitHub repositories.
- Contact: Get in touch with me via email or connect on my social platforms.
You can view the live version of my portfolio by clicking the link below:
Feel free to connect with me on social media or reach out through email:
Crafted with ❤️ using <Code />
& <Creativity />