Generator middleware for Redux (Based on rungen)
I like redux-saga a lot, It's quite powerfull and if you already use it and feel quite happy about it, than just continue. This is just a pale copy of it :).
But if like me,
- You find that the generator approach is a breeze,
- You like how easy testing those generators is.
And in the same time you find the redux-saga
approach a little bit harder to reason about in comparison to thunks
, than I made this library for you (for me at first :P)
The principle here is simple. Instead of writing your action creators using thunks, you just replace them (one to one) by generators.
Example :
Take the following thunk action creator
function requestPost(id) {
return dispatch => {
dispatch({ type: 'post-fetch', payload: id })
fetch('/api/post/' + id)
.then(post => {
dispatch({ type: 'post-fetch-success', payload: post })
.catch(error => {
dispatch({ type: 'post-fetch-error', payload: error })
The equivalent using redux-rungen
import {put} from 'redux-rungen'
import {call} from 'rungen'
function* requestPost(id) {
yield put({ type: 'post-fetch', payload: id })
try {
const post = yield call(fetch, '/api/post/' + id)
yield put({ type: 'post-fetch-success', payload: post })
} catch (error) {
yield put({ type: 'post-fetch-error', payload: error })
- Because testing effects based generators is refreshing : The generator itself never triggers the side effect (API call) it self. This means no mocking is required to test your action creators.
- Because I can compose my action creators easily and have a really nice way to express complex flows using
If you are not yet familiar with ES6 generators and runtimes like co or rungen, I understand.
So if you are not interested in the ease of testing and are happy with what you're doing
using thunks
, you certainly don't want to use rungen :)