SQL Mini-Project
A series of 10 questions and answers underscoring the subtility and the power of SQL requests.
Database structure:
Three (3) tables: Members, Facilities and Bookings
Table structure:
Bookings (bookid, facid, memid, starttime, slots) Facilities (facid, name, membercost, guestcost, initialoutlay, monthlymaintenance) Members (memid, surname, firstname, address, zipcode, telephone, recommendedby, joindate)
Q1: Some of the facilities charge a fee to members, but some do not. Please list the names of the facilities that do.
Q2: How many facilities do not charge a fee to members?
Q3: How can you produce a list of facilities that charge a fee to members, where the fee is less than 20% of the facility's monthly maintenance cost? Return the facid, facility name, member cost, and monthly maintenance of the facilities in question.
Q4: How can you retrieve the details of facilities with ID 1 and 5? Write the query without using the OR operator.
Q5: How can you produce a list of facilities, with each labelled as 'cheap' or 'expensive', depending on if their monthly maintenance cost is more than $100? Return the name and monthly maintenance of the facilities in question.
Q6: You'd like to get the first and last name of the last member(s) who signed up. Do not use the LIMIT clause for your solution.
Q7: How can you produce a list of all members who have used a tennis court? Include in your output the name of the court, and the name of the member formatted as a single column. Ensure no duplicate data, and order by the member name.
Q8: How can you produce a list of bookings on the day of 2012-09-14 which will cost the member (or guest) more than $30? Remember that guests have different costs to members (the listed costs are per half-hour 'slot'), and the guest user's ID is always 0. Include in your output the name of the facility, the name of the member formatted as a single column, and the cost. Order by descending cost, and do not use any subqueries.
Q9: This time, produce the same result as in Q8, but using a subquery.
Q10: Produce a list of facilities with a total revenue less than 1000. The output of facility name and total revenue, sorted by revenue. Remember that there's a different cost for guests and members!
Available on the "sql-project.sql" file.
Available on separate files (Members, Facilities and Bookings)