Main javascript file (main.js) is saved in app/src/ directory.
Feature implemenation is saved in app/src/components and app/src/components/core directory. Implementation on chips are saved in app/src/components/chips directory.
if you want to reproduce our server, please follow the instructions saved in readme.md of /app directory.
Contents below are here for our convinience, not for the grading of DP4. However, if you are intertesed, you can look at it.
- install
npm install - run
npm run serve
- userID (int)
- reputationPts (int)
- currentSemester (int)
- major (int): -1 for undecided, 0 for CS, 1 for EE, 2 for MAS, 3 for others
- doubleMajor (int): -1 for None, 0 for CS, 1 for EE, 2 for MAS, 3 for others
- minor (int): -1 for None, 0 for CS, 1 for EE, 2 for MAS, 3 for others
- coursesTaken (array)
- (string) courseID, year, semester [e.g., "101,2019,S"]
- interestedArea (array)
- (string) area, area, area, ...
- questionID (int)
- userID (int)
- description (str)
- courses (array)
- (string) courseID, year, semester, isSelected, upvote, downvote
- comments (array)
- (string) userID, comment
- questionID (int)
- upvoteHistory (array)
- (string) courseID, year, semester, userID, userID, ...
- downvoteHistory (array)
- (string) courseID, year, semester, userID, userID, ...
- UserLoginID (유저 로그인 아이디, ex. tkdgh97531@gmail.com)
- UserID (string, ex. WQN124F9D2NW21)
- User_passward (로그인 방식에 따라서 없을수도)
- Question1
- UserID (유저 고유 ID)
- Description ( String)
- Attachment (URL, string)
- Semesters
- 2019 Fall
- Course1 (과목 코드, string)
- Selected (Boolean, default = False)
- Vote
- Up (Int, default = 0)
- Hum
- Down
- Course1 (과목 코드, string)
- 2020 Spring
- 2020 Fall ...
- 2019 Fall
- Courses (유저가 추천을 바라는? 과목들)
- Course1 (과목 코드, string)
- Course2 (과목 코드, string)
- ...
- Question2 ...
- Course1 (과목 코드, string)
- Ko (과목 한글 이름, string)
- En (과목 영어 이름, string)
- Course2
- QuestionID
- CourseID
- Up
- UserID...
- Hum
- UserID...
- Down
- UserID...
- Up
- CourseID
- QuestionID...