An experimental project that shows the types defined in a Swift code as expandable bubbles on a canvas.
This is the result for the code of Canvas File Explorer for Mac.
Just run these two commands in Terminal from this project's root directory:
swift build
.build/debug/SwiftDiagramGenerator . <swiftFileOrFolderPath1> <swiftFileOrFolderPath2> ...
If you wish to work with the source code and hopefully contribute, here are some useful Swift Package Manager commands:
swift package clean
swift build
creates a SwiftDiagramGenerator executable in .build/debug
swift build -c release
creates a SwiftDiagramGenerator executable in .build/release
swift package update
swift test
swift package generate-xcodeproj
swift-code-types-navigator depends on two open source projects:
Vis.js distributed under The MIT License and
Swift Abstract Syntax Tree distributed under the Apache License 2.0.
We're very grateful to have the ability to use these two amazing tools in the building of swift-code-types-navigator.