YoPhlox (me!) - everything
- Vocals: ろん (Ron/Lon)
- Lyrics: gojimaji-P(=Lamaze-P)
- "Translation": tripflag
i love game & software development
most of my other repos are here
stuff i use: assetripper, visual studio, visual studio code, cursor, haxe, flash develop, unity, github desktop, godot, game maker, utmt (undertale modding tool), and obs lol
main stuff I know/sorta know: haxe, actionscript3, haxeflixel, unity, c#, c, c++, gml, gdscript, and javascript
Current Projects:
SlipKnot - A w.i.p. swag platformer made by me
Projects on Hold:
Vs Ty - Self Insert fnf mod moment
Everything else thats on here (my github) I think, idk.