The goal of this project is to implement a Java application that stores trending topics from Twitter into HBase and provides users with a set of queries for data analysis.
The trending topics to load in HBase are stored into text files with the same format used to store the results of the project 1 assignment. This format is: 1 file per language and each line of the file with the CSV format “timestamp_ms, lang, tophashtag1, frequencyhashtag1, tophashtag2, frequencyhashtag2, tophashtag3, frequencyhashtag3”.
The query set is composed by 3 queries:
1. Given a language (lang), do find the Top-N most used words for the given language in
a time interval defined with a start and end timestamp. Start and end timestamp are
in milliseconds.
2. Do find the list of Top-N most used words for each language in a time interval defined
with the provided start and end timestamp. Start and end timestamp are in
3. Do find the Top-N most used words and the frequency of each word regardless the
language in a time interval defined with the provided start and end timestamp. Start
and end timestamp are in milliseconds.
Script parameters:
- mode: integer whose value can be:
- 1: run first query
- 2: run second query
- 3: run third query
- 4: load data files
- startTS: timestamp in milliseconds to be used as start timestamp.
- endTS: timestamp in milliseconds to be used as end timestamp.
- N: size of the ranking for the top-N.
- Languages: one language or a cvs list of languages.
- dataFolder: path to the folder containing the files with the trending topics (the path is related to the filesystem of the node that will be used to run the HBase app). File names are lang.out, for example en.out, it.out, es.out...
- outputFolder: path to the folder where to store the files with the query results.
* Load: ./ mode dataFolder
Ex: $ ./ 4 /home/masteruser1/logs
* Query1: ./ mode startTS endTS N language outputFolder
Ex: $ ./ 1 1452880040000 1452880110000 9 es /home/masteruser1
* Query2: ./ mode startTS endTS N language outputFolder
Ex: $ ./ 2 1452880040000 1452880110000 6 es,en,it /home/yolanda
* Query3: ./ mode startTS endTS N outputFolder
Ex: $./ 3 1452880040000 1452880110000 5 /home/yolanda
- Generate the files lang.out
- hbase-site.xml with the property hbase.zookeeper.quorum: it must point to ZK instance of the mini cluster assigned to your group
- Compile the project and generate script: mvn clean compile package appassembler:assemble
- Connection to the cluster
ssh masteruser1@ -p 51002 --> storm H2
ssh masteruser1@ -p 51001 --> Hadoop and Hbase H1
- Copy files
scp -P 51001 -r appassembler masteruser1@
- Zookeeper on H2 must be up and running
./zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/ start
./zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/ stop
- Run haddoop
Hadoop start/stop from H1:
Start: ./hadoop-2.5.2/sbin/
Stop: ./hadoop-2.5.2/sbin/
- Run Hbase
start/stop from H1:
Start: ./hbase-
Stop: ./hbase-
HBase UI
Start the shell: bin/hbase shell
- If you have a zookeeper already running, it is required to stop it first.
sudo service zookeeper stop
Yolanda de la Hoz Simón.