Link to video:
This repository contains Java 17 code for computing arithmetic expressions. It is deliberately incomplete as it serves to be the basis of all kinds of extensions, such as a more sophisticated Calculator application. The code was written to be used for educational purposes at the University of Mons, Belgium in the context of the software evolution course.
- All tests can be found in the src\test directory. They serve as executable documentation of the source code.
- The source code is accompanied by a set of JUnit 5 unit tests. These tests can be written and run in the usual way. If you are not familiar with unit testing or JUnit 5, please refer to
- The source code is accompanied by a set of Cucumber BDD scenarios, also running in Junit. If you are not familiar with Cucumber and BDD, please refer to The BDD scenarios are specified as .feature files in the src\test\resources directory. Some classes defined in src\test take care of converting these scenarios to executable JUnit tests.
- You will need to have a running version of Java 17 on your machine in order to be able to compile and execute this code.
- You will also need to have a running version of Maven, since this project is accompanied by a pom.xml file so that it can be installed, compiled, tested and run using Maven.
- Upon first use of the code in this repository, you will need to run "mvn install" to ensure that all required project dependencies (e.g. for Java, JUnit, Cucumber, and Maven) will be downloaded and installed locally.
- Assuming you have a sufficiently recent version of Maven installed (the required versions are specified as properties in the POM file), you can compile the source code using "mvn compile"
- Once the code is compiled, you can execute the main class of the Java code using "mvn exec:java"
- The tests and BDD scenarios are executable with Maven using "mvn test"
- Note that the tests are also executed when you do a "mvn install". It is possible to skip those tests by providing an extra parameter. For details of more advanced uses of Maven, please refer to its official documentation
- In addition to testing the code, "mvn test" will also generate a test coverage report (in HTML format) using JaCoCo. This test coverage is generated in target/site/jacoco.
- When packaging the code using "mvn package" the JavaDoc code documentation will be generated and stored in target/site/apidocs.
- Maven - an open source build automation and dependency management tool
- JUnit5 - a unit testing framework for Java
- Cucumber - a tool for Behaviour-Driven Development
- JaCoCo - a code coverage library for Java
- JavaDoc - a code documentation tool for Java
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Tom Mens
- Gauvain Devillez @GauvainD
- Damien Legay @DamienLegay
This code is licensed as CC BY-SA 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International)
- Software Engineering Lab, Faculty of Sciences, University of Mons, Belgium.