Basic online-payment system for .Net users. First you need to have account at Iyzico. Then, you have to enter your private api key and secret key at Iyzico/Merchant Settings to StoreApp.Web > Controllers > OrderController.cs file. To test your app, you should use test user datas. You can find these datas in "". To skip these part, directly use these datas:
"paymentCard.CardHolderName = "John Doe";
paymentCard.CardNumber = "5528790000000008";
paymentCard.ExpireMonth = "12";
paymentCard.ExpireYear = "2030";
paymentCard.Cvc = "123";"
Finally you ready to go!
One of the runtime environment is required from below
- .NET Framework 8
For now you'll need to install following libraries:
- To install Iyzipay, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
Install-Package Iyzipay
Or you can download the latest .dll from:
For .NET Framework:
- Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.2 from
For .NET Standard 2.1:
Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.2 from