Invoke the command `M-x org-zettel-ref-init` to open the “Overview Window,” displaying the notes recorded in the original document and the marked text.
- Each time an overview is generated, a literature note is automatically created and saved to a folder of your choice.
- Quick note-taking: use `M-x org-zettel-ref-add-quick-note` to directly input notes.
- When reviewing literature notes, you can jump directly back to the corresponding location in the original text to reread the context.
- Offers a method to convert documents in other formats into org format.
- Provides quick markup functionality to easily add bold, italic, underline, and other formatting to text in the source file.
- Supports integration with knowledge management tools like org-roam and denote.
- Flexible file association mechanisms that support multiple knowledge management modes (Normal, Denote, Org-roam).
- Directly call external Python scripts from within Emacs to convert various document formats into org files.
- AI-powered summary generation: automatically generate concise summaries of your documents using GPT models.
As shown, the left window displays the original text, while the right window displays the overview.
The overview windows contains that marked text and notes from original text, and it will save as a note file standalone.
`org-zettel-ref-mode` is only effective when org-mode is activated:
- Directly targeting org files
- Other user-defined text formats processed in org-mode, such as md, txt, etc. In these cases, the functionality of the major mode for those formats may be affected.
However, I generally convert materials directly into org format for saving, so the second scenario is rare.
TL;DR Version:
- Simply saving, excerpting, or copying materials is not enough; information needs to be processed to be transformed into useful knowledge.
- The Zettelkasten method emphasizes summarizing/reviewing in your own words and establishing connections, providing multiple opportunities for information processing. However, many introductions overlook Luhmann’s method of handling a large volume of literature notes.
- Literature notes are an efficient and in-depth method that records key points and inspirations, facilitating quick review and deep reading, while also helping distinguish between existing and new information.
Full Version:
As a longtime note-taking enthusiast and writer, I’ve gradually realized some “counterintuitive” insights:
- Simply saving is almost useless.
- Simply excerpting is almost useless.
- Simply copying is almost useless.
The reason is that merely transporting material only increases the amount of information without reprocessing it. Remember the classic hierarchy? Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Wisdom.
The Zettelkasten method always emphasizes summarizing in your own words, frequently reviewing past notes, and increasing the connections between notes. From a methodological standpoint, it offers at least 4-7 opportunities for information processing.
Even so, the literature and videos introducing the Zettelkasten method often get caught up in the craze of double-linking, falling into the trap of merely saving data—essentially ignoring the method Niklas Luhmann used to handle a massive amount of literature notes.
Let me share a number: among the more than 90,000 index cards Luhmann left behind, over 10,000 were literature notes.
Luhmann’s astounding productivity came from an exaggerated amount of data processing, and behind that was his efficiency in handling this data—achieved through the creation of literature notes.
Luhmann had a habit of taking literature notes while reading. His books or materials had no underlining, no margin notes, and were incredibly clean, almost as if they hadn’t been read. Each literature note was essentially an index of the material. He only excerpted the original text from the book when absolutely necessary.
However, after understanding how researchers create literature notes, I discovered that Luhmann’s literature notes are almost identical to standard research literature notes. They are also annotated in one’s own words, while recording the specific location of inspiration in the paper, for future in-depth reading.
In other words, this method of taking literature notes balances efficiency and depth.
When it’s unnecessary to deeply understand a material, literature notes can record key points (not the important content, but the insights useful to oneself). When a deep understanding is needed, the literature notes can quickly point to the corresponding context for in-depth reading and thinking, without wasting time re-reading from the beginning.
Besides balancing efficiency and depth, literature notes also have the advantage of easily distinguishing between existing and new information. Concepts or key points that have been annotated similarly before are existing information, and it is unnecessary to annotate them again when encountered in another material. Conversely, concepts, data, or ideas that have not been encountered before are worth annotating and recording their sources, making the discovery of new knowledge easier.
A good intro about Zettelkstan: Introduction to the Zettelkasten Method
- Download the `org-zettel-ref-mode.el` file.
- Place the file in your Emacs load path (e.g., `~/.emacs.d/lisp/`).
- Add the following to your Emacs configuration file (such as `~/.emacs` or `~/.emacs.d/init.el`):
Example Configuration:
(use-package org-zettel-ref-mode
:ensure nil
:load-path "~/Documents/emacs/package/org-zettel-ref-mode/"
(setq org-zettel-ref-overview-directory "~/Documents/notes/source-note/")
(setq org-zettel-ref-mode-type 'denote)
;; (setq org-zettel-ref-mode-type 'org-roam)
;; (setq org-zettel-ref-mode-type 'normal)
(setq org-zettel-ref-python-file "~/Documents/emacs/package/org-zettel-ref-mode/")
(setq org-zettel-ref-temp-folder "~/Documents/temp_convert/")
(setq org-zettel-ref-reference-folder "~/Documents/ref/")
(setq org-zettel-ref-archive-folder "/Volumes/Collect/archives/")
(setq org-zettel-ref-debug t)
(Updated 2024-08-29) org-zettel-ref-mode provides three modes: normal, org-roam, and denote, allowing note files to be saved in the corresponding format. For example, after selecting org-roam mode, the saved note files will automatically include an ID, making them easier to retrieve.
Configuration Method:
(setq org-zettel-ref-mode-type 'normal) ; Options: 'normal, 'denote, 'org-roam)
- Automatic Generation: When opening a new source file, the system will automatically generate a summary (if the feature is enabled)
- Manual Generation: Run
M-x org-zettel-ref-ai-generate-summary
in the source file - Reset Status: If the summary generation process is interrupted, run
M-x org-zettel-ref-ai-reset
to reset the status
Note: Before using, please ensure:
- gptel is installed and configured
is set tot
In any org-mode buffer, run: `M-x org-zettel-ref-init`
Since the core functionality of adding notes involves adding <<>> target links in the original text, many materials converted to org format come with a lot of <<>> text.
Before annotating or marking text in the org file for the first time, you can use `org-zettel-ref-clean-targets` to clean up the format and ensure the quick note feature works correctly.
- Place the cursor where you want to add a note
- `M-x org-zettel-ref-add-quick-note`
- Enter the note name and content
- Select the text in the source file
- `M-x org-zettel-ref-quick-markup`
- Choose the markup style you prefer
Automatic sync by default: Automatically runs when saving the source file. Manual sync: `M-x org-zettel-ref-sync-overview`
- Launch Panel
M-x org-zettel-ref-list
Reminder: The following commands are all executed within the panel interface.
- Rename Source File (“r”)
M-x org-zettel-ref-list-rename-file
Rename according to the fixed format
- Edit/Add Keywords (“k”)
M-x org-zettel-ref-list-edit-keywords
Independently add one or more keywords to the source file.
- Delete Source File
Delete a single file (“d”)
M-x org-zettel-ref-list-delete-file
Delete multiple files (“D”)
Press “m” in the list to mark multiple files, then execute M-x org-zettel-ref-list-delete-marked-files
If the marked files are incorrect, press “u” to clear the marked status, and press “U” to clear all marked statuses.
- Use Filters
Simple Filter (“/ r”): Use Author, Title, Keywords as filter conditions, only one filter condition can be applied at a time
M-x org-zettel-ref-filter-by-regexp
Complex Filter (“/ m”): Multiple filter conditions can be applied using Author, Title, Keywords as conditions
- Do not casually change the filename of note files. If you do, adding quick notes/markups again in the source file will generate duplicate notes during sync.
Reference the following example:
(setq org-zettel-ref-highlight-types
(append org-zettel-ref-highlight-types
'(("warning" . (:char "w"
:face (:background "#FFA726"
:foreground "#000000"
:extend t)
:name "warning"
:prefix "⚠️"))
("success" . (:char "s"
:face (:background "#66BB6A"
:foreground "#FFFFFF"
:extend t)
:name "success"
:prefix "✅")))))
Highlight type configuration. Each type should include:
- :char Single character identifier for the type
- :face Face attributes for highlighting
- :name Display name for the type
- :prefix Symbol shown in the overview
org-zettel-ref-mode now supports multiple file association mechanisms and no longer fully relies on the “-overview” suffix in filenames:
- Normal Mode: Still uses the “-overview” suffix (for backward compatibility).
- Denote Mode: Follows Denote’s naming conventions.
- Org-roam Mode: Follows Org-roam’s naming conventions and ID attributes.
If you’re upgrading from an older version, your existing “-overview” files will still work. However, for new files, we recommend using the new association mechanisms.
The `M-x org-zettel-ref-check-roam-db` function checks the status of the org-roam database.
(setq org-zettel-ref-overview-directory "~/my-notes/overviews/")
Disable Auto-Sync:
Enable Auto-Sync:
If you encounter issues during use, you can enable debug mode to get more information:
(setq org-zettel-ref-debug t)
org-zettel-ref-mode now supports directly calling external Python scripts from within Emacs to convert various document formats into org files.
- Multi-format Support:
- Supports converting PDF, EPUB, HTML, Markdown, and TXT formats to Org format.
- Can handle both electronic and scanned PDFs, supporting mixed Chinese and English documents.
- OCR Functionality:
- Uses OCR technology to process scanned PDFs, supporting Chinese and English recognition.
- File Management:
- Automatically checks file size to prevent processing overly large files.
- After conversion, it can automatically archive the source file.
- Flexible Configuration:
- Supports custom paths for temporary files, reference materials, and archives.
- You can choose to use the system Python, Conda environment, or virtual environment.
- Configure Python Environment:
(setq org-zettel-ref-python-environment 'conda) ; or 'system, 'venv (setq org-zettel-ref-python-env-name "your-env-name") ; If using Conda or venv
- Set Script Path and Folders:
(setq org-zettel-ref-python-file "~/path/to/") (setq org-zettel-ref-temp-folder "~/Documents/temp_convert/") ; This folder is used to store documents waiting to be converted (setq org-zettel-ref-reference-folder "~/Documents/ref/") ; This folder is used to store converted reference materials (setq org-zettel-ref-archive-folder "/Volumes/Collect/archives/") ; This folder is used to store converted archived files
- Run Conversion Script: Use the command `M-x org-zettel-ref-run-python-script` to execute the conversion.
- Ensure that all necessary Python libraries (e.g., PyPDF2, pdf2image, pytesseract, etc.) are installed.
- For scanned PDFs, the conversion process may be slow, and the results may not be as good as for electronic versions.
- It’s recommended to use this script primarily for converting electronic PDFs, EPUB, Markdown, and TXT documents.
- Use a browser extension (e.g., Markdownload) to save web pages as Markdown files.
- Use org-zettel-ref-mode’s Python script to convert Markdown files to Org format.
- For audio files, you can first convert them to text using Whisper and then use the script to convert them to Org format.
This feature significantly expands the application range of org-zettel-ref-mode, making it a more comprehensive knowledge management tool.
It is recommended to use this script for converting ePub, markdown, txt, and electronic PDF documents.
It is not recommended to use this script to convert scanned PDFs due to slow conversion speed and suboptimal conversion quality.
Here are the main commands provided by org-zettel-ref-mode:
- `M-x org-zettel-ref-init`: Initialize org-zettel-ref-mode, create or open an overview file
- `M-x org-zettel-ref-add-quick-note`: Add a quick note at the current position
- `M-x org-zettel-ref-sync-overview`: Manually sync the overview file
- `M-x org-zettel-ref-quick-markup`: Quickly add markup to selected text
- `M-x org-zettel-ref-clean-multiple-targets`: Clean up excess targets in the source file
- `M-x org-zettel-ref-enable-auto-sync`: Enable auto-sync
- `M-x org-zettel-ref-disable-auto-sync`: Disable auto-sync
- `M-x org-zettel-ref-check-roam-db`: Check org-roam database status
- `M-x org-zettel-ref-run-python-script`: Run the specified Python script
Here are the main configurable variables for org-zettel-ref-mode:
- `setq org-zettel-ref-overview-directory “~/org-zettel-ref-overviews/”`: Set the overview file storage directory
- `setq org-zettel-ref-mode-type ‘normal`: Set the mode type (options: ‘normal, ‘denote, ‘org-roam)
- `setq org-zettel-ref-include-empty-notes nil`: Set whether to include empty quick notes
- `setq org-zettel-ref-include-context nil`: Set whether to include more context in the overview
- `setq org-zettel-ref-quick-markup-key “C-c m”`: Set the shortcut key for quick markup
- `setq org-zettel-ref-python-environment ‘system`: Set the Python environment type (options: ‘system, ‘conda, ‘venv)
- `setq org-zettel-ref-python-env-name nil`: Set the Python environment name
- `setq org-zettel-ref-python-file “~/path/to/”`: Set the Python script file path
- `setq org-zettel-ref-temp-folder “~/Documents/temp_convert/”`: Set the temporary folder path (This folder is used to store documents waiting to be converted)
- `setq org-zettel-ref-reference-folder “~/Documents/ref/”`: Set the reference materials folder path (This folder is used to store converted reference materials)
- `setq org-zettel-ref-archive-folder ”Volumes/Collect/archives”`: Set the archive folder path (This folder is used to store converted archived files)
- `setq org-zettel-ref-debug nil`: Set whether to enable debug mode
- `setq org-zettel-ref-overview-width-ratio 0.3`: Set the overview window width ratio
- `setq org-zettel-ref-overview-min-width 30`: Set the overview window minimum width
- `setq org-zettel-ref-highlight-types`: Set text marking types and highlight styles
- `setq org-zettel-ref-overview-image-directory=”~/Documents/org-zettel-ref-images/”`: Set the image save path for overview notes
- `setq org-zettel-ref-enable-ai-summary t`: Enable/disable AI-powered summary generation
- `setq org-zettel-ref-ai-backend ‘gptel`: Set the AI backend (currently only supports gptel)
- `setq org-zettel-ref-ai-max-content-length 32000`: Maximum content length for AI summary generation
- `setq org-zettel-ref-ai-stream t`: Enable/disable streaming responses from AI
- `setq org-zettel-ref-ai-prompt “…”`: Customize the prompt template for summary generation
Q: How do I use org-zettel-ref-mode across multiple projects? A: You can set different overview directories for each project, dynamically changing the value of `org-zettel-ref-overview-directory` when switching projects using `let-bound`.
Q: What should I do if the overview file becomes too large? A: Consider splitting the overview file by topic or time period. You can customize the `org-zettel-ref-create-or-open-overview-file` function to achieve this.
Q: How do I back up my notes? A: Include both the source files and overview files in your version control system (e.g., Git). Additionally, regularly perform file system-level backups.
Q: How can I check the status of the org-roam database? A: You can use the `M-x org-zettel-ref-check-roam-db` command to check the status of the org-roam database, including version information, number of nodes, etc.
If you encounter issues:
- Ensure you are using the latest version of org-zettel-ref-mode.
- Check your Emacs configuration to ensure there are no conflicting settings.
- Try to reproduce the issue in a clean Emacs configuration (`emacs -q`).
- Check the `*Messages*` buffer for any error messages.
- If the issue is related to the Python script or Conda environment, check your Python environment configuration.
- Enable debug mode (set `org-zettel-ref-debug` to `t`) to get more detailed log information.
If the issue persists, please submit an issue on the GitHub repository, including a description of the problem, steps to reproduce it, and debug logs.
We welcome community contributions! Here are some ways you can get involved:
- Report bugs or suggest new features.
- Submit patches or pull requests.
- Improve documentation or write tutorials.
- Share your experiences and tips for using org-zettel-ref-mode.
- Added: AI summary generation
- Added `org-zettel-ref-ai-generate-summary` command for manual summary generation
- Added `org-zettel-ref-ai-reset` command for resetting AI summary status
- Added `org-zettel-ref-enable-ai-summary` configuration variable for enabling/disabling AI summary generation
- Added `org-zettel-ref-ai-backend` configuration variable for selecting AI backend
- Enhanced: Improved highlight synchronization mechanism
- Changed highlight storage format from heading to property drawer
- New format uses `:HL_ID:` property to store highlight links
- Improved handling of existing entries with or without property drawers
- Prevents duplicate property entries
- Maintains existing content while updating highlight metadata
- Fixed: Various bugs in file operations and database handling
- Improved: More robust error checking and debugging for highlight operations
- Fixed: Critical bug in org-zettel-ref-sync-highlights causing “Emergency exit” error
- Added comprehensive error handling for Org element parsing issues
- Implemented fallback mechanisms when headings cannot be properly located
- Segmented error protection for finding, updating and image processing stages
- Graceful recovery from corrupted Org structures in overview files
- Enhanced: Overall stability when working with complex or large overview files
- Improved: More detailed error messaging for easier troubleshooting
- Enhanced: Improved sorting functionality in reference list management
- Added `org-zettel-ref-list-goto-column` function for quick column navigation
- Fixed cursor-based sorting to be more intuitive
- Added new keyboard shortcuts:
- `C-c g` and `C-c C-s g`: Jump to a specific column
- `/`: Prefix key for filter commands
- `?`: Prefix key for help commands
- Improved error handling for sorting operations
- Fixed: Various bugs in file operations and sorting functionality
- Added: Better support for tabulated list navigation and column selection
- Fixed: Restored the feature of converting files to org files, retaining images from the original file
- Optimized: Improved interaction logic - overview files now automatically close when their source file is switched or closed
- Added: org-zettel-ref-rename-source-file command allows renaming current source file using format outside the management panel
- Optimized: org-zettel-ref-remove-marked command can now remove highlights from source files and automatically re-highlight with updated note numbering
- Optimized: conversion process, restored using Pandoc to process txt, md, epub formats, added simple filename processing logic
- Fixed: The logic for creating overview files, no longer create “Marked Text” and “Quick Notes” titles, as these titles are no longer needed in the new marking and note system
- Upgrade: Major upgrade to marking and note system (see #Demo for changes after upgrade)
- Decoupled from org-mode’s built-in styles
- Automatic note ID numbering
- Automatic highlighting of marked content
- Content under overview headlines won’t be cleared
- Mark images and sync them to overview notes
- Must run
command to add images to overview notes - Requires setting
- Must run
- Overview note style upgrades:
- Note titles now display note IDs
- Uses org-mode Headlines style
- Note icon prefixes to distinguish note types
- New custom configuration options (customize text marking types and highlight styles, see #Advanced Features):
defines/adds marking types and highlight stylesorg-zettel-ref-overview-image-directory
defines image save path for overview notes
- Painless upgrade, maintains familiar commands
- Note: When executing org-zettel-ref-mark-text, please don’t select note type or image type
- For quick notes, continue using the previous org-zettel-ref-add-quick-note command
- This design choice is to provide highlight styles for quick notes and image note
- Fixed:
- The issue where org-zettel-ref-watch-directory reports an error after running org-zettel-ref-list-rename-file
- Optimized:
- The display method of the overview file window.
- Added a configuration item to define the width of the overview window:
, default 0.3 - Added a configuration item to define the minimum width of the overview window:
, default 30
- Added a configuration item to define the width of the overview window:
- The display method of the overview file window.
- Fixed:
- The error in org-zettel-ref-db-init #15
- The issue where the cursor position is lost after executing org-zettel-ref-init
- The issue where the overview file failed to synchronize correctly due to improper index file retrieval
- Optimized
- Dropped using OCR to convert PDF
- Attention!
- If you’ve previously used org-zettel-ref-mode, you need to run
M-x org-zettel-ref-migrate
the first time you use the new version to upgrade the data structure in the hash table.
- If you’ve previously used org-zettel-ref-mode, you need to run
- New Feature: Provides a visual management panel for source files
(see Basic Usage -> Manage Source Files for details):- Visualization: Provides a reference management panel
- Multi-column list: Displays the current references in a list format, with key columns such as Title, Author, and Keywords
- Rename: Allows renaming files in the format within the panel
- Sorting: Click on the column name to sort the list alphabetically
- Filtering: Filter source file entries by conditions, such as Author, Title, or Keywords. Currently, only one condition can be filtered at a time.
- Upgraded the data structure of the hash table in
- Upgraded
- Fixes:
- Restored the accidentally deleted custom configuration item
- Restored the accidentally deleted custom configuration item
- Reminder:
- Due to the upgrade of the hash table storing the mapping between source files and overview files to version 2.0, the following functions are deprecated:
- org-zettel-ref-check-and-repair-links, org-zettel-ref-maintenance-menu, org-zettel-ref-refresh-index, org-zettel-ref-rescan-overview-files, org-zettel-ref-status.
- Due to the upgrade of the hash table storing the mapping between source files and overview files to version 2.0, the following functions are deprecated:
- Backend optimizations to further enhance code robustness, modularity, and improve plugin stability.
- Fixed an issue in version 0.3.2 where rapid updates to the overview file caused synchronization errors with quick notes and marked text.
- Fixed an issue in version 0.3.2 where the file naming strategy led to frequent re-creation of overview files in Denote mode.
- Fixed an issue in version 0.3.2 where the overview file failed to synchronize correctly due to improper index file retrieval.
After this period of development, the code for org-zettel-ref-mode has finally become modular and robust. No new features will be introduced before version 0.4. Instead, the focus will be on further componentization of the code and providing more customization options.
- Improved compatibility with Org-roam v2: Update the record of literature notes in the overview file to the Org-roam database.
- Improved file naming
- Fix a bugs that causes Emacs crash
- Refined code, modularized
- Compatible with Emacs 30 and later versions.
- Overview files now have more elegant names, reducing repetitive occurrences of the word “overview.”
- Fixed an intermittent (setq, 5) error.
- Removed the dependency on conda.el in org-zettel-ref-mode.el, and the detection of the Python environment is now entirely handled by
- Automatically sets up a virtual environment via the python venv command and installs required libraries.
- Note: After updating to this version, running will reinstall third-party libraries. If you prefer a clean environment, you may want to manage this manually.
- Automatically sets up a virtual environment via the python venv command and installs required libraries.
- Improved synchronization mechanism for overview files, preventing multiple overview files from being created for the same source file. Also improved the robustness and stability of this feature.
- A hash table is now used to map source files to overview files. One great thing is that you don’t need to manually set the hash table file location.
- The overview file header now includes a new property block:
to confirm the mapping. - New commands:
- Check and repair links between source files and overview
- Display a menu for org-zettel-ref-mode maintenance
- Manually refresh the overview
- Rescan the overview directory and update the
- Display the current status of org-zettel-ref-mode.
- Improved integration with org-roam:
- Added conditional loading and error-handling mechanisms for better stability
- Optimized database operations for increased efficiency
- Enhanced file handling for greater compatibility
- Added a database status check feature for easier debugging
- Enhanced support for Conda environments:
- Provided more flexible Python environment configuration options
- Improved the initialization and activation process for Conda environments
- Refined logic for filename generation and processing:
- Added a filename cleanup feature for greater robustness
- Optimized file naming strategies across different modes
- Optimized overview file synchronization:
- Implemented selective updates, only refreshing changed sections
- Improved buffer handling to reduce file I/O operations
- Enhanced content generation for increased efficiency
- Added debugging features:
- Included detailed log output for easier troubleshooting
- Provided more error messages and status check options
org-zettel-ref-mode was inspired by my friend @lijigang’s org-marked-text-overview. Due to extensive modifications, I decided to release it separately as org-zettel-ref-mode after discussing it with him.
- ✅ Improve performance, optimizing handling of large files
- ✅ Integrate with other knowledge management packages, such as org-roam and denote
- Support more file formats (possibly)
- ✅ Further optimize Python script integration
- Add more customization options
- Optimize file association mechanisms, reducing reliance on specific filename suffixes
If you like it, please Star.