This is MessagePack RPC for CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) implementations such as .NET Framework, Silverlight, Mono (including Moonlight.) This library can be from ALL CLS compliant languages such as C#, F#, Visual Basic, Iron Pyhton, Iron Ruby, PowerShell, C++/CLI or so.
See wiki
- Install recent Windows SDK (at least, .NET Framework 4 Full Profile and MSBuild is needed.)
Or install Visual Studio or Visual Studio Express.
- If you want to build unit test assemblies, install NuGet.
- Run: msbuild MsgPack.csproj Or open MsgPack-RPC.sln in your IDE and run build command in it.
Open MsgPack-RPC.mono.sln in MonoDevelop and build it. (You might be able to build via xbuild.)
Wiki : Issue tracker : MSBuild reference : (You can see translated version by changing "en-us" to some locale as you like (e.g. "ja-jp".) Mono xbuild reference :