Using the nixos installer image...
- Clone this repo and cd into the quickstart folder
- Follow the quickstart instructions
- Clone this repo again to your favorite location within the persist folder (my default is /persist/home/yeldir/querbeet/workspace/nix-config)
- Add new host configuration and configure it according to your needs
- include the generated hardware-configuration.nix file
- don't forget to set the disko device
- Put your sops keys into
- Create all folders defined in hosts/common/global/persistence.nix. (I'll try to automate this)
- nboot & reboot
- Add ssh key
chmod -R 700 ~/.gnupg
(I'll try to automate this)- Import private gpg key matching above fingerprint
- Create a new keyring using seahorse and mark it as default
- Reboot
- Application specific setup
- Chrome - Log in, enable sync for extensions and settings - Log into 1password
- Thunderbird - import public gpg key (this somehow can't be avoided)
- VSCode - log into GitHub account, Copilot
qmk setup yeldiRium/qmk_firmware
This was written without testing. It might fail and after doing everything something might be missing in the persisted folders. Needs to be evaluated!