A webapp for predicting whether the text of a news article is true or fake.
Fake news is a problem that emerged since the beginning of the modern information age. It spreads like a virus across the big network, and provides nothing but disinformation for the people.
Even if there are companies with a large budget investing on this field, this is a personal approach for fighting this problem, since I was not able to found a useful tool for the people that read news.
This is a Machine Learning oriented project. The following flowchart shows the expected use the webapp has as of now.
For training and testing of the model, the following Kaggle datasets were used:
This projects runs on Python 3.7.10 version.
If you manage Anaconda/Miniconda environments on your local system, you can build the project environment with:
conda env create -f environment.yml
If you don't use Anaconda and you rather using another environment wrapper, install the project dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, run the server locally
python manage.py runserver