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🌱 I’m currently honing my Android Development skiils.
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💬 Talk to me about Android, Java and Kotlin.
🔭 I’m currently working on my Github Project.
🌱 I’m currently honing my Android Development skiils.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Projects.
💬 Talk to me about Android, Java and Kotlin.
The major problem derived from the study was the lack of awareness among people about plant care and maintenance. Unavailability of space and time also contribute to the problem because of apartmen…
What if all buying and selling of stocks and mutual funds are done with just one click. Just one click will help you to analyze every stock and compare which one is better and will provide the best…
It is a Clone of the Instagram App. Multi user schema is used in this project. Signup / Signin Feature. User can upload a image in the post section. Data is stored in the firebase realtime database.
As we all know how animals play a major role in an ecosystem and in our life but every year, approximately 2.7 million dogs, cats, and many more animals get killed as the majority of shelters are f…
Money Manager app that helps you to add your daily small incomes and expenses and track them easily.
Kotlin 2
Money Manager Android App to manage and keep track of daily Income and Expenses.
Java 6