You can create pictures from the prepared API with get or post methods.
Demo Link:
API Root:
Parameter Name | Info | Value |
imageUrl ** | Background image URL address. | string |
logoUrl ** | Logo image URL address. | string |
text ** | Text on the picture. | string |
blurRatio | The blur ratio of the picture. | int (0-400) |
darknessRatio | The darkness ratio of the picture. | int (0-255) |
font | Font family of the text in the picture. | string List is List is here. |
color | The color of the text in the picture. | string List is here. |
bold | Font is bold? | bool (true, false) |
italic | Font is italic? | bool (true, false) |
shadow | Font have a shadow? | bool (true, false) |
verticalAlignment | Vertical position of the text. | string (top, middle, bottom) |
horizontalAlignment | Horizontal position of the text. | string (left, center, right) |
- Only imageUrl, logoUrl and text - imageUrl, logoUrl, text and any parameter - All parameters