Automatically fetches the latest, top trending and high quality images from reddit and sets them as your desktop wallpaper!
git clone
cd RedWallDown
python install
- Downloads wallpapers from 'earthporn' subreddit.
- Downloads 15 wallpapers at a time.
- Does not overwrite wallpapers already downloaded.
- Changes wallpaper at an interval of 15 minutes.
- Downloads wallpapers from 'new' category.
- Downloads images of resolution greater than 1920x1080.
To select top 25 controversial wallpapers from 'spaceporn' subreddit, and set time duration of 10 minutes
redwalldown -r spaceporn -t 10 -c 25 -s controversial
usage: redwalldown [-h] [-r [SUBREDDIT]] [-t [TIME]] [-c [COUNT]] [-s [SORT]]
Set Wallpapers downloaded from Reddit
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r [SUBREDDIT], --subreddit [SUBREDDIT]
The subreddit to download wallpapers from, defaults to
-t [TIME], --time [TIME]
Time (in minutes) for each wallpaper
-c [COUNT], --count [COUNT]
Number of images to download
-s [SORT], --sort [SORT]
sort methods, values are new, hot, controversial
Run this command in terminal
crontab -e -u ${USER}
Now add the following line to your cron file
@reboot redwalldown