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Releases (zip format)

Nicola Spallanzani edited this page Oct 8, 2024 · 37 revisions

Once you choose the version you prefer (first two digits of the version number) we suggest to always download the last patchlevel (third digit in the version number)

Yambo 5.2

Yambo 5.1

Yambo 5.0

Yambo 4.5

Yambo 4.4

Yambo 4.3

Yambo 4.2

(Warning: in version 4.2 the WFs I/O changed; to use older SAVE folders run "ypp -z")

Yambo 4.1

Yambo 4.0

Yambo 3.4

Yambo 3.3

Yambo 3.2

Yambo 3.1