simple node client for Foscam HD cameras providing a few basic operations
setup and configure
const FoscamHdClient = require('foscamhd-client');
let client = new FoscamHdClient({
protocol: 'http', // if not specified, defaults to 'http'
host: '',
port: 1138, // if not specified, defaults to 80
user: 'admin',
pass: 'p4$$w4rd'
get url of mjpeg stream todo: add optional guest and operator user/pass sections to config, pass in role as param
client.getStreamUrl(function(err, url){
// handle error and/or do stuff
// url should be something like:
moves camera to preset location 'name' todo: add method to surface list of preset names
client.gotoPreset(name, function(err, resp){
// handle error and/or do stuff
get current infrared mode ('auto' or 'manual')
client.getIrMode(function(err, mode){
// handle error and/or do stuff
set infrared mode ('auto' or 'manual')
client.setIrMode(mode, function(err, resp){
// handle error and/or do stuff
set infrared led state ('on' or 'off') note: IrMode must be set to 'manual' or setting the state will have no effect
client.setIrState(state, function(err, resp){
// handle error and/or do stuff
create a file in the ./tests/ directory called config.json as below (obviously, substitute your values)
"testcamera": {
run the following
npm test