open slack, like a file
- vim-plug
Plug 'yaasita/edit-slack.vim'
- Vundle
Plugin 'yaasita/edit-slack.vim'
- Vim packages (since Vim 7.4.1528)
git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/edit-slack.vim
2. download edit-slack binary
save binary to edit-slack.vim directory, and rename to edit-slack (on windows, rename to edit-slack.exe)
example: linux user
cd /path/to/install/directory/edit-slack.vim
curl -L -O
mv linux-amd64-edit-slack edit-slack
chmod +x edit-slack
get token from slack app page.
require scope
- identify
- channels:history
- groups:history
- im:history
- mpim:history
- channels:read
- files:read
- groups:read
- im:read
- mpim:read
- search:read
- users:read
- channels:write
- chat:write
- files:write
- groups:write
add the token to vimrc
syntax on
let g:edit_slack_token = "xoxp-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx"
if display unicode characters
set fileencodings+=utf-8
set encoding=utf-8
# open channels list
vim slack://ch
# gf command opens a chat under the cursor
# post
# write it under the "=== Message ===" mark
# command
# join channel
# leave channel
# open thread
# upload file
:EditSlackUploadFile /path/to/upfile
# download file
:EditSlackDownloadFile /path/to/savefile
# search word
:EditSlackSearch keyword