A ready to use node.js general purpose development environment docker template image which may help you setup your development quickly.
- This image is built on top of CentOS with development toolkit installed
- Node.js 6.10.0 with nvm installed
- nodemon and pm2 for both development and production usage
- Some useful scripts to help you manage dock container
- Using taobao npm repo as default, you may change it in the Dockerfile as you wish
- An example express server in 'src', which mounts as a volume in docker container, just replace it with your own real project!
- run Run node server container
- debug Run node server container with debug option
- stop Stop running container
- shell Login into container shell
- build Build docker image
./sokoban build
By default the docker image name is 'node-runtime', you could change it by editing variable in script 'sokoban'
./sokoban run
./sokoban debug
Note the default debug port is 5858
Edit Configurations -> Click Add Button -> Select 'Node.js Remote Debug'
Above command will stop the docker container.
./sokoban shell
You may use this script to access the container shell and install node dependencies.