This is an open source tool to assist in unlocking data vaults. This tool is made available by the Kosign team, in case is ever offline. In order to unlock your vault you will need:
- Your Kosign data vault
- Enough keys to form a quorum (for example, 3-out-of-5 keys) lets you create paper-based cold storage digital vaults to securely store digital assets, 2FA recovery codes, master passwords, and other critical data. Distribute up to 20 paper keys. Set the minimum # of keys required to unlock (e.g 4-out-of-10)
- Print your encrypted vault on paper
- Distribute up to 20 paper keys
- Set the minimum threshold of keys required to unlock (e.g 4-out-of-10)
Create your vault at
#####Option 1: Install from source Ideally you should install this software on an offline computer that is physically disconnected from the internet.
Clone the repository and install
git clone
yarn install
yarn start
Then open http://localhost:3000 to view in your browser.
#####Option 2: Download packaged release
Download and extract the zip file
For support and feedback contact