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Media Tag


We recommend the usage of yarn as package manager but the library remains compatible with npm.

$ git clone  # Clone  the project
$ cd media_tag_v2      # Enter the project folder
$ yarn install         # Install dependencies
$ yarn run build       # Create ./dist folder with JS bundled files

The build will create two files named ./dist/media-tag.js and ./dist/media-tag-crypto.js. The first, ./dist/media-tag.js, contains all the implemented plugins. The last, ./dist/media-tag-crypto.js, has a minimal selection of plugins (crypto + image), target for CryptPad integration.


If you target a production build you should inform the correct NODE_ENV at the build.

$ NODE_ENV=production-cjs yarn run build # Create ./dist folder with optimized JS bundled files

Have currently these NODE_ENV

Environnement Description
development-es6 ES6, CommonJS, no Source map
development-es5 ES5, CommonJS, no Source map
production-cjs ES6, CommonJS, Source map, Minified
production-umd ES5, UMD, no Source map

You can create your own environnements by adding a new configuration file into config folder and adding your keyword to webpack.config.js like this :

	# Add 'my-env' to available environnements
	case 'my-env':
			return require('./config/my-env.js');


<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>My Page with Media Tag</title>
	<!-- Include Media Tag library -->
	<script type="text/javascript" src="media-tag.js"></script>
		// The only way to use as library is with JavaScript.
		// You will need to select a DOM element that will be the wrapper
		// element, for example a div.
		// Then create a new MediaTag Object passing that element as
		// parameter.
		var mediaTagObj = mediaTag(document.querySelector('media-tag'));

True AMD builds

You can produce builds for AMD targets with these commands :

	yarn build 			# Produce an UMD bundle and an AMD and ES5 translation of sources.
	yarn build:amd-es5 	# Produces an AMD and ES5 translation of sources. 
	yarn build:amd-es6 	# Produces an AMD translation of sources.

To use an AMD build you need to require core/dynamic/media-tag.js. Currently is a preset of all features through orchestator detection rules. Filters and plugins are loaded on the demand, rules are loaded statically.


To start a web server and automatic builds when changing files you can use:

$ yarn start

To run tests (linter, unit tests and test coverage) you can use:

$ yarn test

To build the documentation at ./dist/docs/ you can use:

$ yarn run build:docs


To check out the examples you can start a webserver in the demo folder. Make sure you have built the library before. Then, access in your browser the webserver URL for example http://localhost:8080/plugin-crypto/plugin-crypto-image.html.

$ git clone  # Clone  the project
$ cd media_tag_v2      # Enter the project folder
$ yarn install         # Install dependencies
$ yarn run build       # Create ./dist folder with JS bundled files
$ http-server ./demo   # Start any webserver at demo folder

You can also use the development server to visualize the examples. In this mode there is no need to build the library since the development server does an auto-build at start and at each time source file changes. Again you can access it in your browser, with the webserver URL, for example http://localhost:8080/plugin-crypto/plugin-crypto-image.html.

$ git clone  # Clone  the project
$ cd media_tag_v2      # Enter the project folder
$ yarn install         # Install dependencies
$ yarn start           # Start dev webserver and auto-builds the library

Media Tag Version 0.2

This is the repository for the contents of version 0.2 of Media Tag. It is an architecture and functionality redesign of Media Tag v0.1.

Why v0.2?

XWiki has a use case that could be covered by an implementation of Media Tag. The use case is: given a URL with an encrypted PNG file at Using the media-tag as follows would provide an image (decrypted if the key is valid) to final user.

<media-tag src="" data-type="image/png" data-crypto-key="salsa20poly1305:sdHDIVsdiDHfishvsdhvdDSihvsCHDCShi">

To achieve such simplicity on the media-tag declaration (without manifest for example) we must redesign Media Tag. We also think that this is a good opportunity to make Media Tag more interesting to general use. This change will not only help in the XWiki case but it also may increase the chances of adoption by the community.

Find more

You can understand better the differences from Media Tag v0.1 to v0.2 in our proposal documentation.

Discussion about the integration (usage in a HTML page) of Media Tag v0.2 is detailed at integration document.

How to include a new type of content or any other plugin is described at plugin document.

The same for filters at filter document.

If you are interested by the mechanismes of media-tag v2 you can take a look here : model


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