This organsation is the home of a collection of X-ray repositories typically used for (but not exclusively) soft-matter systems.
The goal for these x-ray repositories is to create accessible and trustworthy toolkits that can be easily maintained and updated by the community. These qualities can only achieved by utilising modern software-engineering practises and continuous integration (CI), including
- Code linting
- Hint typing
- Documentation
- Unit testing
- Semantic versioning
- pyNexafs - A pythonic toolkit for analysing NEXAFS spectra. Includes an python API and a PyQT GUI for real-time analysis and normalisation during measurements, based on the IgorPro tool QANT.
Problems with repositories, or suggestsions are always welcome by raising an Issue
via the tab on the repository page.
If there's something you're interested in working on or conbtibuting towards, feel free to raise an issue and then make a relevant pull request.
Pay careful attention to the contribution section on the local repository, as we use continuous integration (CI) tools to ensure code quality is up to scratch and maintainable.
Also feel free to email me, via matt at mattgebert d0t c0m.