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adrien2p committed Feb 13, 2023
1 parent 5a22c2e commit f0c94eb
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Showing 3 changed files with 6 additions and 564 deletions.
283 changes: 5 additions & 278 deletions packages/medusa-plugin-auth/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,295 +40,22 @@ First of all, you need to install the plugin as follow `yarn add medusa-plugin-a

### Google

> By default, the admin only allow to authenticate while the store create a new user of it does not exist yet.
> This behaviour can be changed and customised by specifying a custom `verifyCallback` in the configuration.
Then, in your medusa config plugins collection you can add the following configuration and update it according to your requirements ([full configuration here](

resolve: "medusa-plugin-auth",
options: {
// Enable google OAuth 2
google: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
clientID: "__YOUR_CLIENT_ID__",
clientSecret: "__YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET__",

// Enable google OAuth 2 for the admin domain
admin: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
failureRedirect: `${process.env.ADMIN_URL}/login`,
successRedirect: `${process.env.ADMIN_URL}/`,

// ----------- OPTIONAL -----------
// authPath: '/admin/auth/google',
// authCallbackPath: '/admin/auth/google/cb',
// expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

// Enable google OAuth 2 for the store domain
store: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
failureRedirect: `${process.env.STORE_URL}/login`,
successRedirect: `${process.env.STORE_URL}/`,

// ----------- OPTIONAL -----------
// authPath: '/store/auth/google',
// authCallbackPath: '/store/auth/google/cb',
// expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
// ...
// ... Other authentication provider options
// ...

Now you can add your Google sign in button in your client with something along the line of the code bellow

<a type="button" href=${medusa_url}/${google_authPath} className="text-white bg-[#4285F4] hover:bg-[#4285F4]/90 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-[#4285F4]/50 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center inline-flex items-center dark:focus:ring-[#4285F4]/55 mr-2 mb-2">
<svg className="mr-2 -ml-1 w-4 h-4" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fab" data-icon="google" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 488 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M488 261.8C488 403.3 391.1 504 248 504 110.8 504 0 393.2 0 256S110.8 8 248 8c66.8 0 123 24.5 166.3 64.9l-67.5 64.9C258.5 52.6 94.3 116.6 94.3 256c0 86.5 69.1 156.6 153.7 156.6 98.2 0 135-70.4 140.8-106.9H248v-85.3h236.1c2.3 12.7 3.9 24.9 3.9 41.4z"></path></svg>
Sign in with Google
[Documentation here](

### Facebook

> By default, the admin only allow to authenticate while the store create a new user of it does not exist yet.
> This behaviour can be changed and customised by specifying a custom `verifyCallback` in the configuration.
Then, in your medusa config plugins collection you can add the following configuration and update it according to your requirements ([full configuration here](

resolve: "medusa-plugin-auth",
options: {
// Enable facebook OAuth 2
facebook: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
clientID: "__YOUR_CLIENT_ID__",
clientSecret: "__YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET__",

// Enable facebook OAuth 2 for the admin domain
admin: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
failureRedirect: `${process.env.ADMIN_URL}/login`,
successRedirect: `${process.env.ADMIN_URL}/`,

// ----------- OPTIONAL -----------
// authPath: '/admin/auth/facebook',
// authCallbackPath: '/admin/auth/facebook/cb',
// expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

// Enable facebook OAuth 2 for the store domain
store: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
failureRedirect: `${process.env.STORE_URL}/login`,
successRedirect: `${process.env.STORE_URL}/`,

// ----------- OPTIONAL -----------
// authPath: '/store/auth/facebook',
// authCallbackPath: '/store/auth/facebook/cb',
// expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
// ...
// ... Other authentication provider options
// ...

Now you can add your Facebook sign in button in your client with something along the line of the code bellow
[Documentation here](

<a href="${medusa_url}/${facebook_authPath}" type="button" class="text-white bg-[#3b5998] hover:bg-[#3b5998]/90 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-[#3b5998]/50 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center inline-flex items-center dark:focus:ring-[#3b5998]/55 mr-2 mb-2">
<svg class="mr-2 -ml-1 w-4 h-4" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fab" data-icon="facebook-f" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M279.1 288l14.22-92.66h-88.91v-60.13c0-25.35 12.42-50.06 52.24-50.06h40.42V6.26S260.4 0 225.4 0c-73.22 0-121.1 44.38-121.1 124.7v70.62H22.89V288h81.39v224h100.2V288z"></path></svg>
Sign in with Facebook

### Twitter

// Waiting the OAuth 2 from twitter to be completely finalised

### Linkedin

> By default, the admin only allow to authenticate while the store create a new user if it does not exist yet.
> This behaviour can be changed and customised by specifying a custom `verifyCallback` in the configuration.
Then, in your medusa config plugins collection you can add the following configuration and update it according to your requirements ([full configuration here](

resolve: "medusa-plugin-auth",
options: {
// Enable linkedin OAuth 2
linkedin: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
clientID: "__YOUR_CLIENT_ID__",
clientSecret: "__YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET__",

// Enable linkedin OAuth 2 for the admin domain
admin: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
failureRedirect: `${process.env.ADMIN_URL}/login`,
successRedirect: `${process.env.ADMIN_URL}/`,

// ----------- OPTIONAL -----------
// authPath: '/admin/auth/linkedin',
// authCallbackPath: '/admin/auth/linkedin/cb',
// expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

// Enable linkedin OAuth 2 for the store domain
store: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
failureRedirect: `${process.env.STORE_URL}/login`,
successRedirect: `${process.env.STORE_URL}/`,

// ----------- OPTIONAL -----------
// authPath: '/store/auth/linkedin',
// authCallbackPath: '/store/auth/linkedin/cb',
// expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
// ...
// ... Other authentication provider options
// ...

Now you can add your Linkedin sign in button in your client with something along the line of the code bellow

<a href="${medusa_url}/${linkedin_authPath}" type="button" class="text-white bg-[#2663eb] hover:bg-[#2663eb]/90 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-[#2663eb]/50 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center inline-flex items-center dark:focus:ring-[#2663eb]/55 mr-2 mb-2">
<svg class="mr-2 -ml-1 w-4 h-4" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fab" data-icon="linkedin" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path fill="currentColor" d="M218.123122,218.127392 L180.191928,218.127392 L180.191928,158.724263 C180.191928,144.559023 179.939053,126.323993 160.463756,126.323993 C140.707926,126.323993 137.685284,141.757585 137.685284,157.692986 L137.685284,218.123441 L99.7540894,218.123441 L99.7540894,95.9665207 L136.168036,95.9665207 L136.168036,112.660562 L136.677736,112.660562 C144.102746,99.9650027 157.908637,92.3824528 172.605689,92.9280076 C211.050535,92.9280076 218.138927,118.216023 218.138927,151.114151 L218.123122,218.127392 Z M56.9550587,79.2685282 C44.7981969,79.2707099 34.9413443,69.4171797 34.9391618,57.260052 C34.93698,45.1029244 44.7902948,35.2458562 56.9471566,35.2436736 C69.1040185,35.2414916 78.9608713,45.0950217 78.963054,57.2521493 C78.9641017,63.090208 76.6459976,68.6895714 72.5186979,72.8184433 C68.3913982,76.9473153 62.7929898,79.26748 56.9550587,79.2685282 M75.9206558,218.127392 L37.94995,218.127392 L37.94995,95.9665207 L75.9206558,95.9665207 L75.9206558,218.127392 Z M237.033403,0.0182577091 L18.8895249,0.0182577091 C8.57959469,-0.0980923971 0.124827038,8.16056231 -0.001,18.4706066 L-0.001,237.524091 C0.120519052,247.839103 8.57460631,256.105934 18.8895249,255.9977 L237.033403,255.9977 C247.368728,256.125818 255.855922,247.859464 255.999,237.524091 L255.999,18.4548016 C255.851624,8.12438979 247.363742,-0.133792868 237.033403,0.000790807055"></path></svg>
Sign in with Linkedin
[Documentation here](

### Auth0

> By default, the admin only allow to authenticate while the store create a new user of it does not exist yet.
> This behaviour can be changed and customised by specifying a custom `verifyCallback` in the configuration.
[Documentation here](

Then, in your medusa config plugins collection you can add the following configuration and update it according to your requirements ([full configuration here](

resolve: "medusa-plugin-auth",
options: {
// Enable Auth0
auth0: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
clientID: "__YOUR_CLIENT_ID__",
clientSecret: "__YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET__",
auth0Domain: "__YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN__",

// Enable Auth0 for Admin domain
admin: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
callbackUrl: `${process.env.BACKEND_URL}/admin/auth/auth0/cb`,
failureRedirect: `${process.env.ADMIN_URL}/login`,
successRedirect: `${process.env.ADMIN_URL}/`,

// ----------- OPTIONAL -----------
// authPath: '/admin/auth/auth0',
// authCallbackPath: '/admin/auth/auth0/cb',
// expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,

// Enable Auth0 for Store domain
store: {
callbackUrl: `${process.env.BACKEND_URL}/store/auth/auth0/cb`,
failureRedirect: `${process.env.STORE_URL}/login`,
successRedirect: `${process.env.STORE_URL}/`,

// ----------- OPTIONAL -----------
// authPath: '/store/auth/auth0',
// authCallbackPath: '/store/auth/auth0/cb',
// expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
// ...
// ... Other authentication provider options
// ...

### Firebase

Coming soon

### Github

Coming soon

### Microsoft

Coming soon

### Firebase

> By default, the admin only allow to authenticate while the store create a new user of it does not exist yet.
> This behaviour can be changed and customised by specifying a custom `verifyCallback` in the configuration.
Then, in your medusa config plugins collection you can add the following configuration and update it according to your requirements ([full configuration here](

resolve: "medusa-plugin-auth",
options: {
// Enable Firebase auth
firebase: {
// ----------- REQUIRED -----------
credentialJsonPath: "__PATH_TO_JSON_CREDENTIALS__",
// Enable Firebase auth for the admin domain
admin: {
// ----------- OPTIONAL -----------
// authPath: '/admin/auth/firebase',
// expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
// Enable Firebase auth for the store domain
store: {
// ----------- OPTIONAL -----------
// authPath: '/admin/auth/firebase',
// expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
// ...
// ... Other authentication provider options
// ...

Now you can authenticate with Firebase ID token by calling the following endpoint

const firebaseLogin = async (token: string) => {
await fetch(`${medusa_url}/${firabse_authPath}`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
credentials: 'include'

This endpoint will return a session cookie that you can use to authenticate with the store API. It is important to include the `credentials: 'include'` option in the fetch call to ensure that the cookie is set. If you are using Axios to make the request, the equivalent option is `withCredentials: true`.

[Documentation here](
67 changes: 1 addition & 66 deletions packages/medusa-plugin-prometheus/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,69 +18,4 @@

## Documentation

[Medusa plugin prometheus documentation](

## Description

swagger-stats traces REST API requests and responses in Node.js Microservices, and collects statistics per API Operation. swagger-stats detects API operations based on express routes. You may also provide Swagger (Open API) specification, and swagger-stats will match API requests with API Operations defined in swagger specification.

The data can be served to **kibana through ElasticSearch** or can also be consumed by **Grafana**

## Getting started

First of all, you need to install the plugin as follow `yarn add medusa-plugnig-prometheus`

Then, go to your `medusa-config.js` file and in the plugins collection property add the following at the beginning to be registered first
resolve: `medusa-plugin-prometheus`,
options: {
uriPath: "/monitoring",
authentication: true,
onAuthenticate: (req, username, password) => {
return username === process.env.PROM_USER_NAME && password = process.env.PROM_USER_PASS

### Output Dashboard

<p align="left">
<img src="" alt="Medusa-plugin-prometheus-dashboard-1 logo" width="300" height="auto" />
<img src="" alt="Medusa-plugin-prometheus-dashboard-2 logo" width="300" height="auto" style="margin-left: 1rem" />
<img src="" alt="Medusa-plugin-prometheus-dashboard-3 logo" width="300" height="auto" style="margin-left: 1rem" />

## Configuration

You can see above some configuration for the plugin. To be able to know all the options available
you can have a look at
- [swagger-stats](

And here are the plugin configuration types
export type SwaggerStats = {
name?: string;
version?: string;
hostname?: string;
ip?: string;
timelineBucketDuration?: number;
swaggerSpec?: string | OpenAPI.Document;
uriPath: string;
durationBuckets?: number[];
requestSizeBuckets?: number[];
responseSizeBuckets?: number[];
apdexThreshold?: number;
onResponseFinish?: (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => void | Promise<void>;
authentication?: boolean;
sessionMaxAge?: number;
elasticsearch?: string;
onAuthenticate?: (req: Request, username: string, password: string) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;


## Grafana

Get started quickly with that guide [here](
[Medusa plugin prometheus documentation](

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