A dark colour scheme for Vim that combines the:
- Default palette from Tomorrow-Night.
- Reduced contrast palette from Codecademy's online editor.
- Syntax group highlighting scheme from Jellybeans
- Vimscript from Solarized
- 05/01/2016: Replaced
let g:hybrid_use_Xresources = 1
in favour oflet g:hybrid_custom_term_colors = 1
- 05/01/2016: Added
let g:hybrid_reduced_contrast = 1
- gVim 7.3+ on Linux, Mac and Windows.
- Vim 7.3+ on Linux and Mac, using a terminal that supports 256 colours.
Copy colors/hybrid.vim to:
or alternatively, use a plugin manger such as vim-plug, NeoBundle, Vundle, or Pathogen.
Add to ~/.vimrc:
set background=dark colorscheme hybrid
Due to the limited 256 palette, colours in Vim and gVim will still be slightly different.
In order to have Vim use the same colours as gVim (the way this colour scheme is intended) define the basic 16 colours in your terminal.
Add the default palette to ~/.Xresources:
or alternatively, add the reduced contrast palette to ~/.Xresources:
Add to ~/.vimrc:
let g:hybrid_custom_term_colors = 1 let g:hybrid_reduced_contrast = 1 " Remove this line if using the default palette. colorscheme hybrid
Import the default colour preset into iTerm:
or alternatively, import the reduced contrast color preset into iTerm:
Add to ~/.vimrc:
let g:hybrid_custom_term_colors = 1 let g:hybrid_reduced_contrast = 1 " Remove this line if using the default palette. colorscheme hybrid