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Add support for sync scripts and mass patch releases. (Azure#26981)
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pallavit authored and annie-mac committed Mar 3, 2022
1 parent 0687932 commit 576fb37
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Showing 5 changed files with 829 additions and 16 deletions.
68 changes: 52 additions & 16 deletions eng/bomgenerator/generateAzureSDKBOM.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,60 @@
$repoRoot = Resolve-Path "${PSScriptRoot}..\..\.."
$inputDir = Join-Path ${PSScriptRoot} "inputDir"
$outputDir = Join-Path ${PSScriptRoot} "outputDir"
$versionClientFileName = "version_client.txt"
$pomFileName = "pom.xml"
$defaultVersionClientFilePath = Join-Path $inputDir $versionClientFileName
$defaultPomFilePath = Join-Path $inputDir $pomFileName
$versionClientFilePath = Join-Path $repoRoot "eng" "versioning" $versionClientFileName
$bomPomFilePath = Join-Path $repoRoot "sdk" "boms" "azure-sdk-bom" $pomFileName

if(! (Test-Path $inputDir)) {
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

$RepoRoot = Resolve-Path "${PSScriptRoot}..\..\.."
$VersionClientFileName = "version_client.txt"
$PomFileName = "pom.xml"
$InputDir = Join-Path ${PSScriptRoot} "inputdir"
$OutputDir = Join-Path ${PSScriptRoot} "outputdir"
$DefaultVersionClientFilePath = Join-Path $InputDir $VersionClientFileName
$DefaultPomFilePath = Join-Path $InputDir $PomFileName
$EngDir = Join-Path $RepoRoot "eng"
$VersionClientFilePath = Join-Path $EngDir "versioning" $VersionClientFileName
$BomPomFilePath = Join-Path $RepoRoot "sdk" "boms" "azure-sdk-bom" $PomFileName
$EngScriptDir = Join-Path $EngDir "scripts"
$BomGeneratorPomFilePath = Join-Path ${PSScriptRoot} $PomFileName
$NewBomFilePath = Join-Path $OutputDir $PomFileName

. (Join-Path $EngScriptDir syncversionclient.ps1)

function UpdateBomProjectElement($OldPomFilePath, $NewPomFilePath) {
$oldFileContent = [xml](Get-Content -Path $oldPomFilePath)
$newFileContent = [xml](Get-Content -Path $NewPomFilePath)

$oldXmlns = $oldFileContent.Project.xmlns
$oldxsi = $oldFileContent.Project.xsi
$oldschemaLocation = $oldFileContent.Project.SchemaLocation

$newFileContent.Project.xmlns = $oldXmlns
$newFileContent.Project.xsi = $oldxsi
$newFileContent.Project.SchemaLocation = $oldschemaLocation


Write-Output "InputDir:$($InputDir)"
Write-Output "OutputDir:$($OutputDir)"
Write-Output "Updating version_client.txt file by looking at the packages released to maven."
SyncVersionClientFile -GroupId ""
Write-Output "Updated version_client.txt file."

if(! (Test-Path $InputDir)) {
New-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot -Name "inputDir" -ItemType "directory"

if(! (Test-Path $defaultVersionClientFilePath)) {
Copy-Item $versionClientFilePath -Destination $inputDir
Copy-Item $VersionClientFilePath -Destination $InputDir

if(! (Test-Path $defaultPomFilePath)) {
Copy-Item $bomPomFilePath -Destination $inputDir
if(! (Test-Path $DefaultPomFilePath)) {
Copy-Item $BomPomFilePath -Destination $InputDir

echo "Run the following to generate the Pom file and dependency closure report. Both files will be generated in the outputDir."
echo "mvn exec:java -Dexec.args=`"-inputDir=$inputDir -outputDir=$outputDir -mode=generate`""
#$args = "-Dexec.args=`"-InputDir=$($InputDir) -OutputDir=$($OutputDir) -mode=generate`""
$cmdoutput = mvn clean install -f $BomGeneratorPomFilePath
UpdateBomProjectElement -OldPomFilePath $BomPomFilePath -NewPomFilePath $NewBomFilePath

Write-Output "Updating azure-sdk-bom file."
Copy-Item $NewBomFilePath -Destination $BomPomFilePath -Force

311 changes: 311 additions & 0 deletions eng/scripts/bomhelpers.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

class MavenArtifactInfo {
[String] $GroupId
[String] $ArtifactId
[String] $LatestGAOrPatchVersion
[String] $LatestRealeasedVersion

MavenArtifactInfo($ArtifactId, $LatestGAOrPatchVersion, $LatestRealeasedVersion) {
$this.ArtifactId = $ArtifactId
$this.LatestGAOrPatchVersion = $LatestGAOrPatchVersion
$this.LatestRealeasedVersion = $LatestRealeasedVersion
$this.GroupId = ''

. Join-Path ${PSScriptRoot} "common.ps1"

function SetDependencyVersion($GroupId = "", $ArtifactId, $Version) {
$repoRoot = Resolve-Path "${PSScriptRoot}..\..\.."
$setVersionFilePath = Join-Path $repoRoot "eng" "versioning" ""
$cmdOutput = python $setVersionFilePath --bt client --new-version $Version --ar $ArtifactId --gi $GroupId
$cmdOutput = python $setVersionFilePath --bt client --ar $ArtifactId --gi $GroupId --increment-version

function SetCurrentVersion($GroupId, $ArtifactId, $Version) {
$repoRoot = Resolve-Path "${PSScriptRoot}..\..\.."
$setVersionFilePath = Join-Path $repoRoot "eng" "versioning" ""
$cmdOutput = python $setVersionFilePath --bt client --new-version $Version --ar $ArtifactId --gi $GroupId

function UpdateDependencyOfClientSDK() {
$repoRoot = Resolve-Path "${PSScriptRoot}..\..\.."
$updateVersionFilePath = Join-Path $repoRoot "eng" "versioning" ""
$cmdOutput = python $updateVersionFilePath --ut all --bt client --sr

function GetAllAzComClientArtifactsFromMaven() {
$webResponseObj = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ""
$azureComArtifactIds = $webResponseObj.Links.HRef | Where-Object { ($_ -like 'azure-*') -and ($IgnoreList -notcontains $_) } | ForEach-Object { $_.substring(0, $_.length - 1) }
return $azureComArtifactIds | Where-Object { ($_ -like "azure-*") -and !($_ -like "azure-spring") }

function GetVersionInfoForAnArtifactId([String]$ArtifactId) {
$mavenMetadataUrl = "$($ArtifactId)/maven-metadata.xml"
$webResponseObj = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $mavenMetadataUrl
$versions = ([xml]$webResponseObj.Content).metadata.versioning.versions.version
$semVersions = $versions | ForEach-Object { [AzureEngSemanticVersion]::ParseVersionString($_) }
$sortedVersions = [AzureEngSemanticVersion]::SortVersions($semVersions)
$latestReleasedVersion = $sortedVersions[0].RawVersion
$latestPatchOrGAVersion = $sortedVersions | Where-Object { !($_.IsPrerelease) } | ForEach-Object { $_.RawVersion } | Select-Object -First 1

$mavenArtifactInfo = [MavenArtifactInfo]::new($ArtifactId, $latestPatchOrGAVersion, $latestReleasedVersion)

return $mavenArtifactInfo

function GetPatchVersion([String]$ReleaseVersion) {
$ParsedSemver = [AzureEngSemanticVersion]::new($ReleaseVersion)
if (!$ParsedSemver) {
LogError "Unexpected release version:$($ReleaseVersion).Exiting..."
exit 1

return "$($ParsedSemver.Major).$($ParsedSemver.Minor).$($ParsedSemver.Patch + 1)"

function GetRemoteName() {
$mainRemoteUrl = ''
foreach ($rem in git remote show) {
$remoteUrl = git remote get-url $rem
if ($remoteUrl -eq $mainRemoteUrl) {
return $rem
LogError "Could not compute the remote name."
return $null

function GetPipelineName([string]$ArtifactId, [string]$ArtifactDirPath) {
$ciYmlFilePath = Join-Path ArtifactDirPath "ci.yml"
if (Test-Path $ciYmlFilePath) {
return "java - " + $ArtifactId
else {
$ciDirPath = Split-Path -Path $arInfo.ArtifactDirPath -Parent
$ciYmlFilePath = Join-Path $ciDirPath "ci.yml"
if (Test-Path $ciYmlFilePath) {
return "java - " + $arInfo.ServiceDirectoryName

function TriggerPipeline($PatchInfos) {
$distinctPipelineNames = $PatchInfos | Select-Object {$_.PipelineName} | Get-Unique -AsString
$distinctPipelineNames | ForEach-Object {
Write-Output "Triggering pipeline {$_}"
$cmdoutput = az pipeline --name $_}

function GetBranchName($ArtifactId) {
$artifactNameToLower = $ArtifactId.ToLower()
$guid = [guid]::NewGuid().Guid
return "release/$($artifactNameToLower)_$guid"

class ArtifactPatchInfo {

function GetDependencyToVersion($PomFilePath) {
$dependencyNameToVersion = @{}
$pomFileContent = [xml](Get-Content -Path $PomFilePath)
foreach ($dependency in $pomFileContent.project.dependencies.dependency) {
$scope = $dependency.scope
if ($scope -ne 'test') {
$dependencyNameToVersion[$dependency.artifactId] = $dependency.version

return $dependencyNameToVersion
function GetChangeLogContent($NewDependencyNameToVersion, $OldDependencyNameToVersion) {
$content = @()
$content += ""
$content += "### Other Changes"
$content += ""
$content += "#### Dependency Updates"
$content += ""

foreach ($key in $OldDependencyNameToVersion.Keys) {
$oldVersion = $($OldDependencyNameToVersion[$key]).Trim()
$newVersion = $($NewDependencyNameToVersion[$key]).Trim()
if ($oldVersion -ne $newVersion) {
$content += "- Upgraded ``$key`` from ``$oldVersion`` to version ``$newVersion``."

$content += ""

return $content

function GitCommit($Message) {
$cmdOutput = git commit -a -m $Message
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
LogError "Could not commit the changes locally.Exiting..."
exit 1

function GeneratePatches($ArtifactPatchInfos, [string]$BranchName, [string]$RemoteName, [string]$GroupId = "") {
foreach ($patchInfo in $ArtifactPatchInfos) {
GeneratePatch -PatchInfo $patchInfo -BranchName $BranchName -RemoteName $RemoteName -GroupId $GroupId

TriggerPipeline -PatchInfos $ArtifactPatchInfos

function GeneratePatch($PatchInfo, [string]$BranchName, [string]$RemoteName, [string]$GroupId = "") {
$artifactId = $PatchInfo.ArtifactId
$releaseVersion = $PatchInfo.LatestGAOrPatchVersion
$serviceDirectoryName = $PatchInfo.ServiceDirectoryName
$currentPomFileVersion = $PatchInfo.CurrentPomFileVersion
$artifactDirPath = $PatchInfo.ArtifactDirPath
$changelogPath = $PatchInfo.ChangeLogPath

if (!$artifactId) {
Write-Output "artifactId can't be null".
exit 1

if (!$BranchName) {
$BranchName = GetBranchName -ArtifactId $artifactId

if(!$BranchName) {
Write-Output "BranchName can't be null".
exit 1

if (!$RemoteName) {
Write-Output "RemoteName can't be null".
exit 1

$cmdOutput = git checkout -b $BranchName $RemoteName/main
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
LogError "Could not checkout branch $BranchName), please check if it already exists and delete as necessary. Exiting..."
exit 1

if (!$releaseVersion) {
Write-Output "Computing the latest release version for each of the relevant artifacts from maven central."
$mavenArtifactInfo = [MavenArtifactInfo](GetVersionInfoForAnArtifactId -ArtifactId $artifactId)

if ($null -eq $mavenArtifactInfo) {
LogError "Could not find $artifactId on maven central."
exit 1

$mavenLatestGAOrPatchVersion = $mavenArtifactInfo.LatestGAOrPatchVersion
if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($mavenLatestGAOrPatchVersion)) {
LogError "Could not compute the latest GA\release version for $artifactId from maven central. Exiting."
exit 1

$releaseVersion = $mavenArtifactInfo.LatestGAOrPatchVersion
Write-Output "Found the latest GA/Patch version $releaseVersion. Using this to prepare the patch."

$patchVersion = GetPatchVersion -ReleaseVersion $releaseVersion
Write-Output "PatchVersion is: $patchVersion"

$releaseTag = "$($artifactId)_$($releaseVersion)"
if (!$currentPomFileVersion -or !$artifactDirPath -or !$changelogPath) {
$pkgProperties = [PackageProps](Get-PkgProperties -PackageName $artifactId -ServiceDirectory $serviceDirectoryName)
$artifactDirPath = $pkgProperties.DirectoryPath
$currentPomFileVersion = $pkgProperties.Version
$changelogPath = $pkgProperties.ChangeLogPath

if (!$artifactDirPath) {
LogError "ArtifactDirPath could not be found. Exiting."
exit 1

if ($currentPomFileVersion -ne $releaseVersion) {
Write-Output "Hard reseting the sources for $artifactId to version $releaseVersion using release tag: $releaseTag."
Write-Information "Fetching all the tags from $RemoteName"
$cmdOutput = git fetch $RemoteName $releaseTag

if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
LogError "Could not restore the tags for release tag $releaseTag"
exit 1

$cmdOutput = git restore --source $releaseTag -W -S $artifactDirPath
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
LogError "Could not reset sources for $artifactId) to the release version $releaseVersion"
exit 1

## Commit these changes.
GitCommit -Message "Reset sources for $artifactId to the release version $releaseVersion."

$pomFilePath = Join-Path $artifactDirPath "pom.xml"
$oldDependencyNameToVersion = GetDependencyToVersion -PomFilePath $pomFilePath
$cmdOutput = SetCurrentVersion -GroupId $GroupId -ArtifactId $artifactId -$Version $patchVersion --gi $GroupId
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
LogError "Could not set the dependencies for $artifactId"
exit 1

$cmdOutput = UpdateDependencyOfClientSDK
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
LogError LogError "Could not update all references for for $artifactId"
exit 1

$newDependenciesToVersion = GetDependencyToVersion -PomFilePath $pomFilePath
$releaseStatus = "$(Get-Date -Format $CHANGELOG_DATE_FORMAT)"
$releaseStatus = "($releaseStatus)"
$changeLogEntries = Get-ChangeLogEntries -ChangeLogLocation $changelogPath

$Content = GetChangeLogContent -NewDependencyNameToVersion $newDependenciesToVersion -OldDependencyNameToVersion $oldDependencyNameToVersion
$newChangeLogEntry = New-ChangeLogEntry -Version $patchVersion -Status $releaseStatus -Content $Content
if ($newChangeLogEntry) {
$changeLogEntries.Insert(0, $patchVersion, $newChangeLogEntry)
else {
LogError "Failed to create new changelog entry for $artifactId"
exit 1

$cmdOutput = Set-ChangeLogContent -ChangeLogLocation $changelogPath -ChangeLogEntries $changeLogEntries
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
LogError "Could not update the changelog at $changelogPath). Exiting..."
exit 1

GitCommit -Message "Prepare $artifactId for $patchVersion patch release."
if ($PushToRemote) {
$cmdOutput = git push $RemoteName $BranchName
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
LogError "Could not push the changes to $RemoteName\$BranchName. Exiting..."
exit 1
Write-Output "Pushed the changes to remote:$RemoteName, Branch:$BranchName"

if(!$PatchInfo.PipelineName) {
$PatchInfo.PipelineName = GetPipelineName -ArtifactId $artifactId -ArtifactDirPath $artifactDirPath

if(!$PatchInfo.PipelineName) {
LogError "Could not calculate the pipeline Name. Will not trigger a run."

Write-Output "Patching done for $artifactId."


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