The P-Alert sensor messages receiving module based on Earthworm that developed by USGS.
- It needs the Earthworm environment so you need to finish the installation before compilation!
- And you might need the MySQL optional function if so please install the lib-mysqlclient.
The version of Earthworm is under 7.9 (this might be obsoleted later):
$ make ver_709
The version of Earthworm is above 7.10:
$ make ver_710
Once you need the MySQL optional function please type:
$ make ver_709_sql
$ make ver_710_sql
After compilation, you can find the binary file under the bin directory of Earthworm. But there still are some step need to do:
- First, add the lines below to the earthworm.d file:
Module MOD_PALERT2EW XXX # XXX can be any number that is unused by other module
Message TYPE_PALERTRAW XXX # XXX can be any number that is unused by other message type
Second, copy the configuration file palert2ew.d to the param directory of Earthworm.
Final, 'cause the P-Alert use the modbus protocol, the listening port of Server mode is 502. And under UNIX-like system it need the superuser permission or you can execute the command below to enable the capability of binding the port below 1024:
$ sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep <PATH_TO_THE_BINARY_FILE>
$ make cap_set
Then you are able to execute this module under startstop module!
In fact, inside the palert2ew.d file already providing a lot of detailed information. Therefore, if you are really urgent, just skip the content below directly read the configuration file.
I recommend users do not change the parameters inside this part. However, there is an optional parameter, OutRawRing. You can define the ring for output P-Alert raw packet or just comment it and close this function.
The new function for those who care about the data quality & integrity. First, since 2022 the P-Alert sensors add the CRC-16 check sum into the packet include mode 1, 4 & 16. By this check sum, this program is able to ensure the integrity of the receiving packets to avoid those waveform glitches & anomalies. Second, sometimes the P-Alert sensors would lose the connection to NTP server which will also cause gaps between waveforms. Therefore, for those who care about data continuity, this program can still output the time questionable waveforms with special mark if you turn on the function.
- CheckCRC16 : That 0 (default) means turn off the checking process of CRC-16; 1 means turn it on. Since the checking process takes some time; Therefore, if you care about the timeliness, 0 is preferable.
- OutputTimeQuestionable : That 0 means (default) to filter out those waveforms from NTP unsynchronized stations; 1 means to allow those waveforms with questionable timestamp.
The common data type within Earthworm is 4 bytes integer, so as the output of P-Alert mode 1 & 4 packets. However, the raw data type of P-Alert mode 16 packet is IEEE-754 float. Here, concerning the timeliness, the program default to output the data with float type. Once you want to keep the consitency of the data type, you can turn on this function to convert the float data to integer data.
- ForceOutputIntData : That 0 (default) means keep the raw data type from packets; 1 means force to output integer data type, especially for mode 16 packets.
- ServerSwitch : You can switch program mode by this parameter, that 0, Client mode means connect to the Palert server; 1, Server mode as the server of Palert.
- ServerIP : The server IP address of Palert server under mode 0.
- ServerPort : The server port of Palert server under mode 0.
By the way, you can skip the parameters, ServerIP & ServerPort when switching to the mode 1.
The alternative way for list P-Alerts that will receive by this program. If you setup these parameters, especially SQLHost, the program will fetch list from MySQL server or you can just comment all of them, then it will turn off this function. And the schema of station table should include at least four columns, serial, station, network & location. Only the type of serial is number, the others are character.
The other thing, even when you using MySQL server to fetch station information, the channel table is optional. Once you comment the option, the channel information will be filled by default value(HLZ, HLN & HLE).
Where to list P-Alerts that will receive by this program. By the way, the priority of local list is higher than the one from remote data. And the channel codes are optional, if you don't list any of them the value will be filled by the default value.
- Normal example:
Palert 1993 TEST TW -- 3 HLZ HLN HLE
- Example without any channel code:
Palert 1993 TEST TW -- 0
- Optional example with maximum channel number, which is 8: