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Releases: xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx/PS3Tools


29 Jul 16:06
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Here is the new PSP HD Gui

It now feutures the new ps plus emulator

Have fun

PS4 PSP Classics GUI (AppVoyer)

31 Jul 11:37
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Merge branch 'master' of…

PS4 PS2 Classics Release(AppVoyer)

31 Jul 10:18
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PS4 PS2 Classics Release(AppVoyer)

PARAM.SFO Editor (AppVoyer)

31 Jul 11:07
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PARAM.SFO Editor (AppVoyer)

Param SFO Editor V1.2.0.14 Standalone

18 Oct 05:33
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This is a standalone release of PARAM.SFO Editor for the Playstation series if SFO files

No Click once is required for this one simply extarct and run the exe ... also I moved the SFO editor to use a DLL as we want to use the DLL in Unity for homebrew apps

PSP HD GUI V1.0.0.0

13 Sep 18:46
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This is a release of my psp chd gui it will repack psp games for ps4 emulation

Currently there is alot more research needed on the current psp emulation on the ps4

But i believe something will come soon to make this emu even better

As Always Please install the .application file in the zip attached and auto updates for this will be done via click once

Please feel free to use the psp menu (layout) as i spent the most time on it and it just looks sexy


PARAM.SFO Editor V1.2 Release

16 Aug 15:51
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Hey guys

Been a while since i updated this but here you go a big update for the open world ps scene

We can now save param.sfo files without having to use the SCE Tools

I have attached the base for click once which can be installed the same way as my ps2 classics

Use the .application and not the setup.exe file

i have also added a pre built binarry so you can run it without click once if you wish

Have fun

PARAM.SFO Editor V1.1 Release

17 May 06:09
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This is a release of Param.sfo editor V1.1

Added a bit more handling on sfo saving for ps4

Any issues please log an issue

PS2 Classics Gui V1

14 Apr 10:27
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Here is the latest Release of PS2 Classics hope you guys enjoy

When Extracted Please Run
"PS4 PS2 Classics GUI.application"
this will install the base version all other versions will be updated via click once


  • Temp Directory Change from settings
  • Advanced window (just debug output from what i do in the application)
  • Multiple ISO Support
  • Custom Ps2 Config
  • Removed some unused code (commented out for now will remove in a new release)


PS2 Classics Gui V0.2

09 Apr 14:50
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PS2 Classics Gui V0.2 Pre-release

PS2 Classics Gui version 0.2

this will convert ps2 iso's to ps4 pkg's

it has the fix for the background worker giving issues when trying to create a ps4 pkg
