This project was created to interact with bitskins api using a simple .net client all code is supplied and most of it is running as of the first commit
Install-Package BitskinsApiV1 -Version 1.0.0
Running the project is quite simple link the BitskinsAPIv1.dll to your project and add the following lines at the start of your code
//Set the Bitskins Api Key and The Secret For 2 Factor Authentication
BitskinsApiV1.Bitskins.Api_Key = "your own API Key you can get this at";
BitskinsApiV1.Bitskins.SECRET_FROM_BITSKINS = "2 Factor Authentication Secret From";
//we need to set the appid once for the api to function
//this can also be changed torugh out the application set it once as its a global var
BitskinsApiV1.Bitskins.AppID = BitskinsApiV1.Bitskins.AppID_Enum.CSGO;
Since Bitskins returns JSON Files i have converted then to c# objects for easy use
2 Run A Function simply call it as the following
//This will return the Bitskins Wallet Object
BitskinsApiV1.Bitskins.WalletObject wallet = BitskinsApiV1.Bitskins.Get_Account_Balance();
//once recieved you should be able to get funds availabe by calling the objects value
lblAccountBalance.Text = "$" +;
Starting 2 Factor Authentication is reuired at the start of the project (on Form Load / WCF Startup)
To start 2 Factor Authentication simply call this method
To retrieve your 2 Factor Authentication Code ( 6 Diget Code )
Simply Call this function
txt2FA.Text = BitskinsApiV1.Bitskins.FACode;