A radio navigation solution for the GOVUK Prototype Kit
This is an extension to the GOVUK Prototype Kit, it can be installed using:
npm install --save https://github.com/x-govuk/prototype-navigation-radios.git
After installation you can use a standard set of radio buttons.
Use the name redirect
and then put a URL into each item's value
, when the user submits the form it will navigate them to the page
relating to the item they've chosen.
{% from "govuk/components/radios/macro.njk" import govukRadios %}
{% from "govuk/components/button/macro.njk" import govukButton %}
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block pageTitle %}
GOV.UK Prototype Kit
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{{ govukRadios({
idPrefix: "where-do-you-live",
name: "redirect",
fieldset: {
legend: {
text: "Where do you live?",
isPageHeading: true,
classes: "govuk-fieldset__legend--l"
items: [
value: "/pages/england",
text: "England"
value: "/pages/scotland",
text: "Scotland"
value: "/pages/wales",
text: "Wales"
value: "/pages/northern-ireland",
text: "Northern Ireland"
}) }}
{{ govukButton({
text: "Save and continue"
}) }}
{% endblock %}