Convert the silero-vad v4 to NCNN, only 16K is supported.
vad/collections/resources/silero.jit the original jit model
vad/collections/resources/silero_vad.jit the generated jit model.
vad/collections/resources/silero.ncnn.param the ncnn model.
- demo scripts.
- Conversion script to generate 'silero.jit', which also supports ncnn model by pnnx,
but there are some issues, pnnx==20240819 fixed. Generate silero.jit and then convert it via the old pnnx version. work!!!./pnnx silero.jit inputshape=[1,512],[2,1,64],[2,1,64]
- Compare the original jit model with the generated jit model and the ncnn model.
- implementtion silero-vad in ncnn cpp code.
- please modify the ncnn include/link path in CMakeLists.txt first
- build step as follows:
cd vad-cpp
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4