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Discovering Object Masks for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation [2022]


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Discovering Object Masks with Transformers for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation

This repo contains the Pytorch implementation of our paper:

Discovering Object Masks with Transformers for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation

Wouter Van Gansbeke, Simon Vandenhende and Luc Van Gool.

Check out Papers With Code for the Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation benchmark and additional details.


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Training MaskDistill
  4. Evaluation
  5. Limitations
  6. Citation
  7. Acknoledgements

πŸ“‹ Introduction

The task of unsupervised semantic segmentation aims to cluster pixels into semantically meaningful groups. Specifically, pixels assigned to the same cluster should share high-level semantic properties like their object or part category. This paper presents MaskDistill: a novel framework for unsupervised semantic segmentation based on three key ideas. First, we advocate a data-driven strategy to generate object masks which serve as a pixel-grouping prior for semantic segmentation. This approach omits handcrafted priors, which are often designed for specific scene compositions and limit the applicability of competing frameworks. Second, MaskDistill clusters the object masks to obtain pseudo-ground-truth for training an initial object segmentation model. Third, we leverage this model to filter out low-quality object masks. This strategy mitigates the noise in our pixel-grouping prior, and results in a clean collection of masks which we use to train a final segmentation model. By combining these components, we can considerably outperform previous works for unsupervised semantic segmentation on PASCAL and COCO. Interestingly, as opposed to existing approaches, our framework does not latch onto low-level image cues and is not limited to object-centric datasets.

πŸ›  Installation

The Python code runs with Pytorch versions, e.g., v1.10. Assuming Anaconda, the most important packages can be installed as:

conda install pytorch=1.10.0 torchvision=0.11.2 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge opencv              # For transformations
conda install matplotlib scipy scikit-learn      # For evaluation
conda install pyyaml easydict                    # For using config files
conda install termcolor                          # For colored print statements
conda install pycocotools                        # For coco api

In addition to these packages, you'll need to install detectron2 to train Mask R-CNN. Finally, we use the transformer architectures from the timm library.

We refer to the env/env_segmentation.txt file for an overview of all the packages that we used to train DeepLab-v3. Similarly, env/env_detectron2.txt was used to train Mask R-CNN. The segmentation/ code was run on 2 1080Ti GPUs while the detectron2/ code was run on 4 Tesla V100 GPUs.

βš™ Training MaskDistill


Clone this repository:

git clone
cd MaskDistill

We use the following datasets:

  • PASCAL VOC object detection datasets: VOC2007 and VOC2012 can be downloaded from the official website.
  • PASCAL VOC semantic segmentation dataset: it contains the dense segmentation ground truth and will be downloaded automatically when running the segmentation/ code for the first time. The official train_aug and val sets are used.
  • MS-COCO 2014 dataset: train2014 can be downloaded from the official website. We will further use a subset of 20k images.

Please download the following zip files. It contains the pretrained models and source files to effortlessly run the code:

File Size Download link Content 0.2 GB Drive Link πŸ”— pretrained transformer weights 0.3 GB Drive Link πŸ”— pretrained ResNet50 weights 1.9 GB Drive Link πŸ”— pretrained Mask R-CNN weights and configs 1.0 GB Drive Link πŸ”— MaskDistill DeepLab-v3 weights

To run the segmentation code, we use the same setup as MaskContrast. As a results, you'll only need adapt the dataset and output paths to run the code on your own machine:

  • Specify your dataset path in segmentation/data/util/ and data/util/
  • Specify the output directory in segmentation/configs/env.yml. All semantic segmentation results will be stored under this directory.


MaskDistill consists of two parts. First, we generate object masks candidates for each image. Second, we train a semantic segmentation model from noisy object mask candidates as a refinement step to obtain a reliable semantic segmentation of an image. The figure underneath provides an overview.

(Zoom-in or click image for details.)

Part 1: Mask Distillation

(i) The first step covers the mask distillation strategy. We obtain initial object masks from the pretrained vision transformer on ImageNet. Make sure that the pretrained/ directory contains these transformer weights. Then, the following command distills masks for VOC2012 in COCO-style format:

python --dataset VOCClass --year 2012 --set trainval --dataset_root $DATASET_PATH --pred_json_path $PRED_FILE

To assign a cluster id to the obtained masks (in $PRED_FILE), have a look at utils/ It will generate the clusters with K-means and apply the Hungarian matching algorithm following prior work. Differently, we cluster the outputs (i.e., CLS tokens) and additionally use a support set to improve its performance. As an example, run the following command to cluster the VOC dataset:

cd utils
python --dataset VOC --dataset_root1 $DATASET_VOC --input_file1 $PRED_FILE --gt_file $GT_FILE --output_file $OUT_FILE  --num_classes 20

Create the ground truth file $GT_FILE if you want to apply the Hungarian matching. We refer to detectron2/train_mask_rcnn/voc/data for a few examples. Finally, the results will be saved to $OUT_FILE.

(ii) Now, train Mask R-CNN with the masks in $OUT_FILE and the detectron2 code. Make sure to extract and to install the detectron2 package as described above. Run the following command to produce the object mask candidates on the VOC dataset:

cd detectron2/train_mask_rcnn/voc

The strategy is equivalent for the COCO dataset (see config files in detectron2/train_mask_rcnn/coco/).

Part 2: Semantic Segmentation

We perform a refinement step. We first aggregate the most confident object mask candidates per image. This generates the initial semantic segmentation masks for our dataset. Run the following command to realize this:


Make sure the segmentation/ directory contains the pretrained/ directory with the ResNet50 weights and the outputs/ directory with our predictions (see Table with zip-files above). Train DeepLab-v3 as follows:

cd segmentation
sh configs/multi_obj/

Optionally, you can run multiple CRF iterations, with the provided configs/multi_obj/ script, to boost the results. We found that iteratively updating the segmentation maps and model weights keeps improving the overall performance (see crf config files). I included the log files as well.

πŸ“ˆ Evaluation

Linear Classifier

We freeze the weights of the trained DeepLab-v3 model and only train a 1 x 1 convolutional layer to predict the class assignments from the generated feature representations. Since the discriminative power of a linear classifier is low, the pixel embeddings need to be informative of the semantic class to solve the task in this way. To train a basic classifier, run the command:

cd segmentation
python \
    --config_env configs/env.yml \
    --config_exp configs/multi_obj/linear/linear_deeplab.yml

Note, you can include the --model_path flag to evaluate a trained model from segmentation/outputs/. To obtain the results from in the paper, run the command:

cd segmentation
python \
    --config_env configs/env.yml \
    --config_exp configs/multi_obj/linear/linear_deeplab.yml \
    --model_path outputs/linear_plus_crf/linear_deeplab_plus_crf/best_model.pth.tar \

You should get the following results:

mIoU is 62.77
IoU class background is 89.83
IoU class aeroplane is 83.12
IoU class bicycle is 33.97
IoU class bird is 85.88
IoU class boat is 63.25
IoU class bottle is 45.01
IoU class bus is 79.08
IoU class car is 70.14
IoU class cat is 86.26
IoU class chair is 16.85
IoU class cow is 81.54
IoU class diningtable is 38.14
IoU class dog is 84.04
IoU class horse is 74.90
IoU class motorbike is 69.70
IoU class person is 62.95
IoU class pottedplant is 31.28
IoU class sheep is 78.31
IoU class sofa is 23.27
IoU class train is 74.43
IoU class tvmonitor is 46.14


We evaluate the obtained clusters to find out if they capture high-level object information. We notice that the clusters align remarkbly well with the defined class labels. To evaluate a trained model, run the command:

python --multiprocessing-distributed --rank 0 --world-size 1 \
    --config_env configs/env.yml \
    --config_exp configs/multi_obj/deeplab.yml \
    --model_path outputs/multi_obj/deeplab/model.pth.tar

You should get the following results:

mIoU is 48.46
IoU class background is 84.56
IoU class aeroplane is 74.54
IoU class bicycle is 26.68
IoU class bird is 74.76
IoU class boat is 52.65
IoU class bottle is 63.38
IoU class bus is 79.75
IoU class car is 65.75
IoU class cat is 76.37
IoU class chair is 0.00
IoU class cow is 47.25
IoU class diningtable is 33.68
IoU class dog is 38.14
IoU class horse is 69.62
IoU class motorbike is 64.17
IoU class person is 37.07
IoU class pottedplant is 11.11
IoU class sheep is 0.01
IoU class sofa is 21.45
IoU class train is 69.84
IoU class tvmonitor is 26.85

Notice that we report an average in the paper. We visualize a few examples after 2 CRF iterations below (see segmentation/configs/multi_obj/deeplab_plus_crf/log).

Semantic Instance Segmentation

Run the following commands to evaluate the outputs of the Mask R-CNN model:

python \
    --input_file detectron2/out/voc_instance/mask_rcnn_instance.json \
    --gt_file detectron2/out/voc_instance/instance_gt.json
  • COCO20k:
python \
    --input_file detectron2/out/coco/mask_rcnn_coco20k.json \
    --gt_file detectron2/out/coco/gt_coco20k.json

You can optionally use the --eval_most_confident flag in order to evaluate only a single prediction per image. Note, in order to generate the ground truth (i.e., detectron2/out/voc_instance/instance_gt.json) for PASCAL VOC, we ran It converts the object segmentation ground truth to the COCO-style polygon format for evaluation.

In summary, your should obtain the following instance segmentation results:

Dataset Setup Mask AP50 [%]
PASCAL VOC single 35.5
PASCAL VOC multi 26.0
COCO20k single 15.3
COCO20k multi 8.0


A limitation of our work is that some instances can appear as a single object mask if their feature representations are correlated, e.g., a motorcyclist on a motorbike. The AP scores are still much lower compared to fully supervised approaches. It would be interesting to look into Multi-Scale Grouping to address this problem (see paper).

πŸͺ§ Citation

The structure of this work is based on the MaskContrast and SCAN repositories. If you find this repository useful for your research, please consider citing the following paper(s):

  title={Discovering Object Masks with Transformers for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Van Gansbeke, Wouter and Vandenhende, Simon and Van Gool, Luc},
  journal={arxiv preprint arxiv:2206.06363},
  title={Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation by Contrasting Object Mask Proposals},
  author={Van Gansbeke, Wouter and Vandenhende, Simon and Georgoulis, Stamatios and Van Gool, Luc},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision},
  title={Scan: Learning to classify images without labels},
  author={Van Gansbeke, Wouter and Vandenhende, Simon and Georgoulis, Stamatios and Proesmans, Marc and Van Gool, Luc},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision},

For any enquiries, please contact me. For an overview on self-supervised learning, have a look at the overview repository.


Finally, we would like to thank the following public code repositories (on which our method is based). Please, check out these great works as well:


This software is released under a creative commons license which allows for personal and research use only. For a commercial license please contact the authors. You can view a license summary here.