Opinionated collection of various Nix utilies and Nix-specific bash scripts for use in other Nix Flakes.
This Flake provides the following:
- Nix utilities System related utilities taken from numtide/flake-utils
- Utility Bash functions Common functionality as bash functions that can be sourced in scripts of other Nix Flakes.
Utilities related to systems.
Helps generating the required attribute sets for each supported system in your flake.
This is taken from numtide/flake-utils, so all credit goes to them!
Same as lib.systems.eachSystem
but populated with each system defined in defaultSystems
Builds a map from <attr> = value
to <attr>.<system> = value
for each system.
inputs.utils.lib.systems.eachSystem ["x86_64-linux"] (system: {
packages = {
default = import ./my-package.nix;
# Results in:
packages = {
"x86_64-linux" = {
default = import ./my-package.nix;
A list with all default systems that are used for the Default
Defaults to:
Same as lib.systems.eachSystemMapped
but populated with each system defined
in defaultSystems
Builds a map from <attr> = value
to <system>.<attr> = value
for each system.
inputs.utils.lib.systems.eachSystemMapped ["x86_64-linux"] (system: {
packages = {
default = import ./my-package.nix;
# Results in:
"x86_64-linux" = {
packages = {
default = import ./my-package.nix;
Same as lib.systems.eachSystemPassthrough
but populated with each system defined
in defaultSystems
Just provides a callback with the system
argument, does not alter
the attribute set.
inputs.utils.lib.systems.eachSystemPassthrough ["x86_64-linux"] (system: {
packages = {
default = import ./my-package.nix;
# Results in:
packages = {
default = import ./my-package.nix;
Useful bash functions can be sourced in other bash scripts.
Just import the functions that you need in your script.
The bash functions can then directly be called.
See the scripts in ./nix/scripts/*
for the available functions
and their corresponding documentation.
# Import the packages for your system:
# inputs.utils.lib.system.eachDefaultSystem (system: {
# utilsPkgs = inputs.utils.packages.${system};
# });
pkgs.writeShellScript ''
source ${utilsPkgs.env-sh}
source ${utilsPkgs.utils-sh}
source ${utilsPkgs.git-sh}
source ${utilsPkgs.print-sh}
source ${utilsPkgs.devenv-sh}