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COMP 3700

COMP 3700 Project
Software Modeling and Design

Project Description

Electricity billing system: This project is a modern version of the traditional electricity billing system. The main focus of this project is to computerize the electricity billing system to make it more seamless, accessible, and efficient. The software calculates the units consumed within a specified time duration and accordingly calculates the amount of money to be paid for those units. The following features make the electricity billing system more service-oriented and straightforward: It features a high-performance speed along with accuracy; It allows for seamless data sharing between the electricity office and customers; It is protected by high-security measures and controls; It includes the necessary provisions for debugging.


# First have python installed
pip install poetry
poetry install
cd elec_billing
python runserver
# from there you can login to your copy of the website (, default creds are admin/admin

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