This repository contains scripts to build images on:
- Virtual Box
- VMWare
- Openstack
Currently Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04 and Centos 7.2 are supported.
Legacy: ./ (build|validate) (virtualbox|vmware|openstack|all)
./ (build|validate) [options]
This will build images for the supplied platform(s) or all. If the option validate is issued then the template will only be checked for syntax.
- Packer version 0.9.0 (or later), this can be set either in the path, as an environment variable $PACKER_BIN or on the command line. If none of these are set then ./ will try and use the copy of packer in /software
- Openstack packages
- python packages:
- python-glanceclient
- python-novaclient
- python-openstackclient
- argparse
- random
- string
- os
- subprocess
- sys
Communication with the ESXi server is via SSH both with a private key which is stored on the ESXi server and via password authentication. The password for ESXi is stored in the varibles project setting. The username is specified in the template.json as remote_username.
The openstack credentials & environment is configured in the remote_username
Version required to support openstack clients (1.1 minimum)
Name of the cloud to connect to (in the event of multiple cloud environments)
URL of the API endpoint
Should match the COMPUTE_API_VERSION above.
** Defined in Variables section of project settings ** Username to connect to the openstack environment with
** Defined in Variables section of project settings ** Password for the above user
** Defined in Variables section of project settings ** Tenant within openstack to use for the build
Base image ID to use for the build
Security group to apply to the build (must allow SSH access to the booted image)
The files variables.json contains default configuration variables required to build the image important variables are:-
The username & password that will be burnt into the image as a default user
The URL of an ISO image to build against - this is used for virtualbox & vmware builds
The password to use to connect to the vmware build host
An additional script to run to configure this image - this script must exist, if no additional customization is required this should be a "NOOP" script (eg /bin/true)
The directory variable is a file path to the image-creation/ubuntu14.04 directory. This is useful if this repository is being used as a subrepo. This is how the majority of the images are being built in the SciaaS area of gitlab. If you have simply cloned the image and want to run it inside this repository then simply leave the value as '.'
The scripts directory contains provisioner scripts that are called by packer to customize the image.
Installs the packages require to bulid software & linux kernel
Updates the sudoers file
Updates all packages to the latest version (apt-get ugrade / dist-upgrade) and purges the cache
Installs the cloud-init package used for per-instance configuration of the machine.
This script also patches the module of cloud init to fix a bug in version 0.7.5. The script will check that the file is the correct one before attempting to patch.
The Cloud-init configuration is updated to cause the initialization & mounting of the first extra disk (the name of this is dependant on the hypervisor in use - vdb for openstack or sdb for vmware/virtualbox)
- (only run on vmware build)
Installs the vmwaretools provided by the hypervisor. Note these are the vmware supplied tools not the "recommended" opensource tools - these would not install cleanly at the time of writing (16/3/2016)
All commits to the master branch should only be done after thorough testing on another branch. Any commit to the master branch should have a tag that follows semantic versioning as laid out at Before commiting a major change all users must be told At the time of writing all repositories in the SciaaS area of gitlab use this repository. Therefore all contributors to those repositories must be informed. If the user base is not known then email
If the vmware build fails it can leave residue behind on the ESX host. This will prevent future builds from working.
To clean up:-
- Login to the esxi host:-
ssh -i vmware_private_key.pem
cd /vmfs/volumes/wtgc-vmbd-01:datastore1
- Check to see if there are any registered vms:-
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
Vmid Name File Guest OS Version Annotation
40 packer-vmware-iso [wtgc-vmbd-01:datastore1] packer-vmware-iso/packer-vmware-iso.vmx ubuntu64Guest vmx-08
Here 40 is the VM identifier, that will be used for the further examples, this will be different.
- If there are any registered under 'packer-vmware-iso' then check their power state:-
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 40
Retrieved runtime info
Powered off
- If running power off with
vim-cmd vmsvc/ 40
- Unregister the VM with
vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister 40
- Finally delete the directory 'packer-vmware-iso' (if it exists)