is a python script to generate a 3D structure from a 2D layout plus stack informations.
Usage: [-step] file1.stack file.dxf
- A FreeCAD document file.FCStd
- If option "-step" is set it produces also file.step
- klayout and FreeCAD must be installed.
- klayout and FreeCAD python modules must be accessible trough a proper setting of python search path.
Stack File Format: Composed of two kinds of lines
- Scale assignment
scale: val
In example the line
scale: 0.001
can be used to convert micron length unit used in the stackup definition to mm length unit used in FreeCAD.
- Assignement of stackup data
layerNum/datatype: hmin hmax operation insertOrder #Comment
operation is based on sketch stored in related layer. Operation can be:
- add: makes a solid extrusion from hmin to hmax
- ins: same extrusion as add plus a cut in all previous extrusions intersecting with it. Previuos is defined by insertOrder (integer)
- cut: same cut as for ins but without adding any solid extrusion
- vsurf: makes a surface extrusion from hmin to hmax. Sketch profile may be not closed.
- hsurf: generates an horizontal surface on plane z=hmin by filling the (closed) sketch profile.
In example the lines:
scale: 0.001
1/0: 0.0 70.0 add 0 # DIELECTRIC
2/0: 0.0 70.0 ins 1 # FILLED THROUGH HOLE
Define a dielectric layer based on sketch stored on layer 1 with a thickness of 70 micron and then insert an extrusion from h=0 to h=70 micron based on sketch stored on layer 2. For being insertion order of layer 2 greater than insertion order of layer 1 the related extrusion will cut the solid created by layer 1.