Drinking water, plus toilets and benches, on a 3D map using data from OpenStreetMap. For more information, see this post.

Water and toilets are currently limited to Europe, and benches are currently limited to Switzerland.
- See drinking water, toilets and benches easily
- (optional) show your location on the map, to see nearby data points
- Enable terrain data to see these data points in 3D.
- Click on any point to see its OSM ID.
When traveling or hiking, I often look for fountains to refill my water bottle. I didn't find a map or app to quickly find drinking water sources near me, so I decided to build one.
Nature also sometimes calls at inopportune times, so toilets are also displayed. Having a nice bench to sit on is also nice, so those were added as well.
Seeing this data in 3D is helpful when hiking or doing outdoor sports.
I wanted this to be entirely open source, and free to build/maintain. More about this below.
- Basemap – OpenFreeMap
- Mapping Library – MapLibre
- Terrain Data – Tilezen (and sources)
- Data – OpenStreetMap (via Geofabrik)
This could be improved. Feel free to reach out if you have any suggestions!
- OSM .pbf data is downloaded from Geofabrik (currently only for Switzerland, but will likely be expanded).
- Relevant data is extracted from .pbf using Osmium and the relevant OSM tags.
- Water:
drinking_water = yes
,amenity = drinking_water
- Toilets:
building = toilets
,amenity = toilets
- Benches:
amenity = bench
,leisure = picnic_table
- Water:
- Extracted data is converted to .geojson files in
- Each extracted .pbf (e.g., drinking_water.pbf) has its geometry types, stored as layers (['points', 'lines', 'multilinestrings', 'multipolygons']), are extracted and processed in a geodataframe.
- Each geodataframe's geometry and OSM ID (currently only relevant for points) are saved in a .geojson. One per geometry type and per data type (e.g., drinking_water_points.geojson, drinking_water_multipolygons.geojson, etc.)
- Each geojson is "tiled" using tippecanoe.
- All geometry types for each data type are combined into a tileset, resulting in one tileset per data type (drinking_water, toilets, benches)
- Data is visualized using pure javascript (currently all in index.html)
- Site is deployed using Github pages