👀 https://ibgib.space - check out a prototype web app! 👀
Currently I'm breaking out code from here and solidifying the overall architectural approach. This falls into two categories, libs and apps, with this repo also containing two archived projects, ionic-gib (the prototype) and keystone-gib (early sketch of a new authentication paradigm).
(to build individual apps from source you will need to clone the foundational
libs into the libs subdirectory and use npm relink
scripts found in
the projects' package.json files. create an issue for help on this.)
- active use
- helper-gib - common utils
- ts-gib - ibgib's unique DLT graphing primitives
- core-gib - common core functionailty to be used in ibgib front ends
- experimental
- encrypt-gib - standalone cryptographic library using novel hash-based encryption algorithm
- aws-dynamodb-sync-space-gib - early sync space adapter (pulled from ionic-gib prototype)
- ga-gib - possible geometric algebra library for nd-gib front end
- ibgib (rcli) - rcli front end
- includes B2tFS Version Control - General Version Control to git's Special Version Control
- atow (01/2024) this is where I am mostly active
- experimental
- nd-gib - n-dimensional front end based on graphics + canvas
- we need a new time ux beyond a scrubber and others in existence
- ng-ionic-gib - ported ionic-gib prototype
- (doubt this will happen)
- plain-gib - vanilla javascript project that i'm using for various reasons
- early testing libs for isomorphic javascript
- nd-gib - n-dimensional front end based on graphics + canvas