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NM^3: Nonlinear MetaMaterial MPI Solver

This is the repository for the source codes used in paper:

High-Performance Large-Scale Simulation of Multi-stable Metastructures

M. Hwang, C. Scalo, and A. F. Arrieta, Computer Physics Communications, 2022.

Program overview

NM^3 is massively parallel code for solving general multi-stable mechanical metamaterials and metastructures. The code is written in Fortran and utilizes MPI (Message-passing interface) system calls to execute parallel computation. The code supports both explicit and implicit numerical methods: up to the 4th-order Runge-Kutta (RK) methods are implemented for the explicit solver; and the Newmark-β (NB) method with constant average acceleration is implemented for the implicit solver. Currently, three types of multi-stable systems can be solved with NM^3: (1) 1D multi-stable lattice with coupled pendula (discrete sine-Gordon model), (2) 1D lattice with quartic on-site potentials (discerete φ-4 model), and (3) metabeam with a bi-stable microsctructure.

Before running the program

  1. System prerequisites: MPI, Fortran complier, GNU make, git, hdf5, Python libraries (numpy, matplotlib, h5py).

    • Debian or Ubuntu-based Linux: Install the required packages with apt package management tool.

      $ sudo apt install gfortran openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev make git
      $ sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-matplotlib python3-h5py
      $ sudo apt install libhdf5-openmpi-dev hdf5-tools

    • RedHat-based Linux (e.g., Fedora, Oracle): Install the required packages with dnf package management tool.

      $ sudo dnf install gcc-gfortran openmpi openmpi-devel make git
      $ sudo dnf install python3-numpy python3-matplotlib python3-h5py
      $ sudo dnf install hdf5-openmpi-devel

    • MacOS: Fortran compiler, GNU make, git, and Python are already installed in most cases. We recommend using Homebrew to install MPI and hdf5. First, go to and follow the instruction to install Homebrew. Then, install the required packages with brew and Python's pip3 commands.

      $ brew install open-mpi hdf5-mpi
      $ pip3 install --user numpy matplotlib h5py

    • Windows: NM^3 is not natively supported on Windows. The simplest way to use NM^3 on Windows is through the Ubuntu app from Microsoft Store, which allows to use Ubuntu terminal. Once it is installed, run the app and follow the same procedure for the Debian or Ubuntu-based Linux system.

  2. Clone NM^3 repository.

    $ git clone

  3. Compile and link the programs.

    $ cd NMCube
    $ make

  4. NOTE: If GNU make gives an error saying that it cannot open 'hdf5.mod' and/or find '-lhdf5,' uncomment line 10 and line 15 in Makefile file, set the environment variables DIR_TO_HDF5_HEADER and DIR_TO_HDF5_LIB to the paths where HDF5 headers and libraries are installed, and re-run make command. The following are the default directories on each operating system.

    • Debian or Ubuntu-based Linux:
      • Headers → /usr/include/hdf5/openmpi
      • Libraries → /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/openmpi
    • RedHat-based Linux:
      • Headers → /usr/lib64/gfortran/modules/openmpi
      • Libraries → /usr/lib64/openmpi/lib
    • MacOS:
      • Headers → /usr/local/Cellar/hdf5-mpi/(version)/include
      • Libraries → /usr/local/Cellar/hdf-mpi/(version)/lib
    • Windows: Same as those for the Ubuntu-based Linux if using the Ubuntu app.

Running the program

For both NB and RK solvers, run the following command in the top-most (NMCube/) directory.

$ make run NP=(number of processes) INP=(input file name)

  • (input file name) can be any input file in inputs/ directory or a path to the input file.

For example, to run the input file in inputs/ directory with 8 processes:

$ make run NP=8

Or, equivalently:

$ make run NP=8 INP=./inputs/

If parameters NP and INP are not specified, make run uses NP=4 and INP=./inputs/ by default.

(Optional) Solution stability check

The implemented RK solver is not unconditionally stable so that the soution may be diverging or errorneous if dt is not set to be small enough for the problem. If needed, users may compare the obtained solution with that of NB solver by running make check in the top-most directory.

WARNING: make check invokes the NB solver, the simulation with which takes orders of magnitude longer than the RK solver.

Data storage

The simulated outputs are packaged in a HDF5 file format (.h5). The time displacements, velocities, and accelerations are stored in the datasets /u, /udot, and /uddot, respectively. The output file is automatically saved in outputs/ directory.


Use h5dump or h5ls (default command line programs supplied with hdf5 installation) for quick data retrieval. For example, to view the entire time displacements of a file P4_d04_F0.1_f8.0_RK4.h5:

$ h5dump -d "/u" P4_d04_F0.1_f8.0_RK4.h5

For more involved postprocessing, use more advanced tools, such as Python's h5py library. Example Python scripts can be found in outputs/ directory.

NM^3 can also generate a video of an output file by running make movie in the top-most directory. For example, the following command creates a video file named P4_d04_F1.4_f35.0_RK4.mp4 in outputs/ directory.

$ make movie OUT=P4_d04_F1.4_f35.0_RK4.h5 FSKIP=10

With make movie, the video play speed can be controlled with the FSKIP parameter. The higher FSKIP, the faster the video plays. By default, make movie uses FSKIP=100.

If finer control of the resulting video is desired, modify and run the supplied Python script in the outputs/ directory to override the default behavior.

$ python3


  1. make movie produces TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'extra_args' → Install ffmpeg on your system

    • Debian or Ubuntu-based Linux:

      $ sudo apt install ffmpeg

    • RedHat-based Linux: Enable RPM fusion and then run the following command.

      $ sudo dnf install ffmpeg

    • MacOS:

      $ brew install ffmpeg

    • Windows: Same as those for the Ubuntu-based Linux if using the Ubuntu app.
  2. On some systems, make gives an error "make[1]: mpif90: No such file or directory" during the compilation or "make[2]: mpirun: No such file or directory" during the runtime. This is because mpif90 and mpirun are not in your system PATH. → Set MPIF and MPIRUN variable in Makefile to the exact path to mpif90 and mpirun, respectively.

    • This error most likely occurs on Fedora. On Fedora, the default installation path is /usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/mpif90 and /usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/mpirun.

File description

├── LICENSE            -> MIT License file
├── Makefile           -> Parent Makefile compiling and running the code
├──          -> README file (User guide) in Markdown format
├── README.pdf         -> README file (User guide) in PDF format
├── inputs             -> [Directory] stores input files
│   ├──      -> Default input file
│   ├──    -> Example input for a discrete sine-Gordon model
│   ├── -> Example input for a discrete sine-Gordon model (nonlinear response)
│   ├──    -> Example input for a discrete phi-4 model
│   ├──    -> Example input for a bi-stable metabeam
│   └── -> Example input for a bi-stable metabeam (nonlinear response)
├── modules            -> [Directory] Python modules
│   ├──         -> Module containing classes and functions for input generation
│   ├──       -> Initialization file for Python module folder
│   └── -> Module containing functions for postprocessing
├── nb                 -> [Directory] containing NB solver
│   ├── Makefile          -> Makefile containing rules for compiling and running NB solver
│   ├── hdf5_helpers.f90  -> Helper module containing convenient subroutines for handling HDF5 files
│   ├── main_nb.f90       -> Main Fortran script for NB method
│   └── sub_nb.f90        -> Fortran module containing subroutines used in main_nb.f90
├── outputs            -> [Directory] stores output files
│   └──       -> Example script generating a video of the output response
└── rk                 -> [Directory] containing RK solver
    ├── Makefile          -> Makefile containing rules for compiling and running RK solver
    ├── hdf5_helpers.f90  -> Helper module containing convenient subroutines for handling HDF5 files
    ├── main_rk.f90       -> Main Fortran script for RK method
    └── sub_rk.f90        -> Fortran module containing subroutines used in main_rk.f90