It's a UNOFFICIAL support tool for Geniatech SmartViewTV-SVT101.
This program can receive broadcast data from the device and It has a built-in HTTP server.
You can play TV programs with a player that can play network streams.
And with the help of FFmpeg, it can be connected to TVHeadend.
Geniatech SmartViewTV-SVT101 (Multiple devices can simultaneous viewing. but maybe buggy yet.)
Devices(PC or Router, etc..) with Python3 installed(tested on v3.8).
Python Packages
urllib3 (1.25.9+)
requests (2.23.0+)
python-daemon (2.2.4+) (for Linux)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Use official app.
Modify 'default.json' file.
"ip" : ["", ""], ==> IP addresses of Geniatech SmartViewTV-SVT101 devices.
If you have multiple devices, enter the IP of all devices for concurrent viewing support. (separated by comma)
"log" : "debug", ==> Program log level. (debug, info, error, notset)
"fileLog" : true, ==> Save log to file. (Save inside 'logs' directory)
"mode" : "server", ==> Working mode. (server, rec, rpc)
server : HTTP server that carries the broadcast stream.
rec : Record the broadcast stream.
rpc : Receive information about the device.
"port" : 30012, ==> Port of HTTP server.
"profile" : "fhd", ==> Codec for the broadcast stream. (Transcoding profile)
pass : passthrough (stream copy)
fhd : H264 1080p, AC3
hd : H264 720p, AC3
sd : H264 540p, AC3
fhd_aac : H264 1080p, AAC
hd_aac : H264 720p, AAC
sd_aac : H264 540p, AAC
"bitRate" : 0, ==> Bitrate for the broadcast stream. (bps, 0 is auto)
"bandWidth" : 6, ==> Band width for the broadcast stream. (Mhz)
"mtype" : "8vsb", ==> (Just keep it as it is. I don't know if support something else like QAM.)
"forceDeviceChange" : true ==> If all devices are in use, can force the device to disconnect while it is playing.
It is also useful if the connection is maintained due to program bugs.
Some options can be skipped if set in 'default.json' file.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-i, --ip IP addresses of Geniatech SmartViewTV-SVT101 devices.
-l, --log Program log level. (debug, info, error, notset)
--filelog Save log to file. (Save inside 'logs' directory)
-m, --mode Working mode (server, rpc, rec)
--port Port of HTTP server.
--profile Transcoding profile (pass, fhd, hd, sd, fhd_aac, hd_aac, sd_aac)
--bitRate Transcoding bitrate (bps, 0: use auto)
--bandWidth Band width for the broadcast stream. (Mhz)
--mtype Stream mtype (8vsb, ...)
-F, --Force Force device change.
-d, --daemon Start daemon (for server only)
-f, --freq Stream frequency (Mhz, for rec only)
-s, --serviceid Stream service id (for rec only)
-p, --pids Stream pid list (separated by comma, for rec only)
There is still a little problem.
It's recommended to scan with other programs as much as possible.
In the current version, scan results are not used directly by the program.
python --ip [Device IP] --bandWidth [bandWidth] --mtype [mtype]
python --ip [Device IP] (in this case, bandWidth:6 (Mhz), mtype:8vsb)
Wait patiently.
When finished, 'channels.json' file and 'channels.m3u' file is created.
'channels.json' file is not used by programs. It can probably be used in the next version.
'channels.m3u' file is useful for use in media player. But it will have to be modified.(IP address, etc.)
python --ip [Device IP] --mode server --port [Server port] --bandWidth [bandWidth] --mtype [mtype]
If 'default.json' file is set properly.
Just run: python
This mode shuts down the program when the terminal is closed. To run in daemon mode, do the following:
python --daemon start
If you want to stop, or check the status, do the following:
python -d stop
python -d status
In media player...
Open network stream, and input the following:
ex1) IP address :
Port : 30012
Freq : 111 (Mhz)
Service Id : 222
PID list : 333,444,555
Profile : use default.json
ex2) IP address :
Port : 30012
Freq : 666 (Mhz)
Service Id : 777
PID list : 888,999
Profile : fhd
The built-in recording function is poor.
python --mode rec --freq [frequency] --serviceId [serviceId] --pids [pids]
Record until Ctrl+C is pressed.
python --mode rpc [Command]
Command List
GetFeatures / GetName / GetNetworkConfiguration / GetSignalStatus / GetTranscodingProfiles / GetUsers / GetVersion
Install FFmpeg.
Start HTTP Server with debug log level. (not daemon)
Configuration->DVB Inputs->Networks->Add
Type: IPTV Automatic Network
Network name : [Whatever you want]
Maximum # input streams: [Input your devices count]
And leave others, press 'Create' -
Configuration->DVB Inputs->Muxes->Add
Network: [Choose what you entered above]
URL: pipe://[ffmpeg path] -loglevel fatal -i [url] -vcodec copy -acodec copy -fflags nobuffer -f mpegts -tune zerolatency pipe:1
ex) FFmpeg path : /bin/ffmpeg
Url :,444,555&profile=pass
=> pipe:///bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i,444,555&profile=pass -vcodec copy -acodec copy -fflags nobuffer -f mpegts -tune zerolatency pipe:1
- Don't enter any quotes by mistake. There are no quotes here.
- AAC profiles(fhd_aac, hd_aac, sd_aac) is not compatible with TVHeadend.
And leave others, press 'Create'
TVHeadend checks if stream is correct.
Check the program log. You will see '...start transfer..'.
Wait a little while, the scan result of TVHeadend will show 'OK'.
But wait until you check the log '- conn disconnected'.
If you don't wait, sometimes the scan result will appear as 'FAIL'. -
Repeat 4 and 5 for the channels you want to add.
... from here, it is the same as other environments.