- no mixins -> use ES6 style PureRenderMixin with PureComponent
- no ref strings -> use ref callbacks
- no method binding -> use ES Class Fields
- no function/objects instantiation in render method -> instantiate in outer scope and use references
- render big collections in separate, dedicated components -> no unfortunate re-renders when other props changes
- don't use array index as key property -> use item unique id property to eliminate bugs
- remove
boilerplate using object literal with actions instead ofmapDispatchToProps
function issue #32
- Node.js
- Global JSPM installation for CLI commands -
npm i -g jspm
// Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/wongwill86/projectfoo
cd projectfoo
// Install dependencies
yarn install
// Initiate JSPM and dev-bundle
npm run init
// Run development server with HMR
npm run dev
NOTE We are using a fork of babylonjs that has new experimental WebGL2 features. See wongwill86/Babylon.js
// clone fork of Babylon.js
git clone https://github.com/wongwill86/Babylon.js/tree/projectfoo
// switch to babylon gulp
cd Babylon.js/Tools/Gulp/
// build
gulp typescript
// replace this with your directory structure here
// ugly hacks to use forked babylon instead of official until webgl2 features are supported
rm $project_directory/projectfoo/jspm_packages/npm/babylonjs@2.5.0/babylon.max.js
ln -s $project_directory/Babylon.js/dist/preview\ release/babylon.max.js $project_directory/projectfoo/jspm_packages/npm/babylonjs@2.5.0/babylon.max.js
rm $project_directory/projectfoo/jspm_packages/npm/babylonjs@2.5.0/babylon.js
ln -s $project_directory/Babylon.js/dist/preview\ release/babylon.js $project_directory/projectfoo/jspm_packages/npm/babylonjs@2.5.0/babylon.js
rm $project_directory/projectfoo/node_modules/@types/babylonjs/index.d.ts
ln -s $project_directory/Babylon.js/dist/preview\ release/babylon.module.d.ts $project_directory/projectfoo/node_modules/@types/babylonjs/index.d.ts
// rebundle app with custom babylonjs
cd $project_directory/projectfoo
npm run dev:bundle
├── assets # static assets copied to dist folder
| ├── index.prod.html # index.html configured for production use
| ├── loader-styles.css # css app loading indicator
| └── shim.min.js # core-js polyfill
├── dist # production build output
├── scripts # build and workflow scripts
├── src # app source code
│ ├── components # global reusable presentational components
│ ├── containers # global container components providing redux context
│ ├── layouts # global components defining page layouts
│ ├── services # global modules abstracting communication with web services
│ ├── store # global modules containing redux modules (reducers/constants/action creators)
│ ├── routes # where to place fractal routing
│ ├── types # custom TypeScript definitions
│ ├── utils # app utility modules
│ ├── app.tsx # app entry module with routing config
│ └── tsconfig.json # TypeScript compiler config
├── temp # development bundle output
├── index.html # index.html
├── jspm.config.js # system.js config for app dependencies
└── tslint.json # linter config
NOTE: Use index.html from assets for production, it have optimized loading logic for production. It is already configured in build script.
npm run dev:bundle
- build optional vendor dependencies bundle to speed-up page reload during development (re-run when dependencies was changed)npm run dev
- start local dev server with hot-reload and open browser
npm run tsc:watch
- if you don't use IDE with Intellisense, run this command for fast incremental type-checking in CLI
npm run build
- create app.js & vendor.js bundles indist/
npm run build:app
- build only app.js bundle (run when project source code has changed)npm run build:vendor
- build only vendor.js bundle (run when project dependencies has changed)
npm run prod
- start local dev server indist/
folder running production bundle
npm run init
- install jspm packages and prebuilds vendor.dev.js bundle
npm run dev
or yarn dev
- start local dev server with hot-reload jspm-hmr
npm run dev:bundle
- build optional vendor dependencies bundle (vendor.dev.js) to speed-up page reload during development (non-minified with source-maps)
npm run dev:unbundle
- remove vendor.dev.js bundle package
(WARNING: it will result in loading all of vendor packages as multiple requests - use it only when needed e.g. leveraging HTTP/2 multiplexing/pipelining)
npm run tsc
- single thorough check
npm run tsc:watch
- fast incremental type-checking in watch mode
npm run prod
- start local dev server in dist/
folder running production bundle
npm run build
- build all, app.js & vendor.prod.js bundle
npm run build:app
- build only src/
- app.js (minified, no source-maps)
npm run build:vendor
- build only node_modules/
dependencies - vendor.prod.js (minified, no source-maps)
npm run build:debug
- build debug version of app.js (non-minified with source-maps)
npm run clean
- clean dist, node_modules, jspm_packages folders
npm run lint
- run ts linter
npm run test
- run tests with jest runner
npm run test:update
- updates jest snapshots
npm run precommit
- pre commit git hook - runs linter and check types
npm run prepush
- pre push git hook - runs linter and tests
npm run deploy:init
- clone git repository in /dist
folder (gh-pages branch)
npm run deploy
- commit and push all changes found in /dist
Copyright (c) 2017 Nico Kemnitz <> ()
Copyright (c) 2017 Will Wong wongwill86@gmail.com ()
Copyright (c) 2016 Piotr Witek piotrek.witek@gmail.com (http://piotrwitek.github.io/)
This software was based off of the react-redux-typescript-starter-kit created by Piotr Witek piotrek.witek@gmail.com (http://piotrwitek.github.io/) Copyright (c) 2016.