Simple debug connection and recover access to MsSQL server using psexec (system account) or SQLwriter.
Script produce txt file (fullscript.txt + .bat) with prepared commands to recover access to specified SQL server instnace. You can use additional debug functions to discover SQLservices and get details: license, is clustered, is alwayson enabled, listening ports etc.
Ccopy all files to any directory (portable)
Open START file then it will open with admin rights hack.bat script.
- Clusters discovery (listing more details)
Genereted fullscript.txt file content:
"C:\WK_Scripts\_Projects\LostPassword\slim\bin\psexec.exe" -accepteula -i -s -d sqlcmd.exe -S -E -i C:\WK_Scripts\_Projects\LostPassword\slim\bin\psexec.sql
::sqlcmd method:
REG EXPORT HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQLWriter C:\temp\sql.reg /y
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQLWriter /v ImagePath /d """"""" -S -E -Q """CREATE LOGIN [contoso\wk] from windows; ALTER SERVER ROLE sysadmin ADD MEMBER [contoso\wk];"" /f
net stop SQLWriter
net start SQLWriter
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQLWriter /v ImagePath /d "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\sqlwriter.exe" /f
net start SQLWriter
REG IMPORT C:\temp\sql.reg
sqlcmd.exe -S -h -1 -E -i C:\WK_Scripts\_Projects\LostPassword\slim\bin\chck.sql
- -=version 1.0=-
- added:
- scan for browser;
- scan for sqlservr.exe;
- scan for open ports;
- scan for registry entries;
- scan for multiple sql instances;
++ -=version 1.1=-
- added:
- scan for WMI;
- scan for Windows Registry;
- scan for protocols: tcp, name pipe and local;
- debug info regarding sql clustering;
- MS Clustering scan (cluster name, nodes)
- cluster mssql discovery;
- AlwaysOn discovery;
- scan network for SQLservices;
- variables moved to external file;
- recovery access script saved to txt and bat formats;
- management studio with system account (login to sql without pass);
- vmware detection