This project is a RESTful API designed for forum management. The use cases are centered around the fundamental elements of questions, answers, and comments. The entire application is built following SOLID principles, clean architecture, and domain event patterns.
- Node.js - Official Node.js® download page
- Docker Engine - Official Docker installation guide
- AWS CLI - Official AWS CLI installation page
- Terraform - Official Terraform installation guide
Clone the project
$ git clone && cd forum
Install the Project dependencies
$ npm install
Environment Variables
$ cp .env.example .env
Set access credentials
aws configure
Run the containers
$ docker-compose up -d
$ npm run db:migrate
Launch the Application
$ npm run start:dev
The API will be launched at http://localhost:3333/
Documentation available at http://localhost:3333/docs
You need to set up the resources for Terraform state synchronization.
Create the Bucket
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket forum-tf-state --region us-east-1
S3 requires unique names for buckets.
Create the DynamoDB table for state lock
aws dynamodb create-table \
--table-name forum-tf-state-lock \
--attribute-definitions AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S \
--key-schema AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH \
--provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=1,WriteCapacityUnits=1 \
--region us-east-1
Initialize the Working Directory
npm run infra:prep
Check the Execution Plan (OPTIONAL)
npm run infra:plan
Deploy the entire Infrastructure
# The process takes about 10 minutes
npm run infra:up
Terraform requires a username and password for database access during deployment to securely connect the application.
Prisma migrations are automatically executed during the deployment process.
However, it's important to note that this project utilizes a private VPC, and Prisma (in its current version) does not support executing migrations via API.
To address this, I incorporated the engine from the version I am using into the project's deployment flow. With a simple JS script, it is possible to use Lambda to execute the migrations within the VPC.
So, if you want to run this project or another with the same infrastructure, it's crucial to pay attention to the engine version. Below is a link to a step-by-step guide for downloading the schema engine for the version of Prisma you are using: prisma/prisma#14873
Another useful link to follow is the issue addressing this topic in the Prisma repository. This feature may eventually be supported by the framework. prisma/prisma#4703
Fork the repository and clone your fork
$ git clone <fork-url> && cd forum
Create a branch for your edits
$ git checkout -b new-feature
Make the commit with your changes
$ git commit -m 'feat: New feature'
Send the code to your remote branch
$ git push origin new-feature
Create a pull request with your version.
After your pull request is merged, you can delete your branch.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.