This repo houses a series of patches to the lineage OS motorola msm8952 kernel to get nethunter working.
Its a work in progress.
Patch for It makes the phone act as a HID device, both mouse and keyboard. TODO: gotta add stuff to also tweak selinux I guess.
This is already in the default lineage os kernel, no further action required.
I based this off the changes made in the kali-wifi-injection-3.18 patch. This one seemed to have slightly more in it than the 3.12 one so we'll give it a try and hope nothing explodes.
To apply a patch, first make sure you got all your sources by following the instructions to [build lineage os])(
Then apply the patches before the brunch
step by going to the kernel source directory and using:
patch -p1 < location/of/patch/file.patch
The -p1 will strip off the first / and everything before it inside the patchfile. so a/net/mac80211/tx.c
becomes net/mac80211/tx.c
, meaning if you are in the root of the kernel folder for your device, it'll patch the right files.
For our motorola G4 plus, the location of this kernel will be wherever/lineage/kernel/motorola/msm8952/
Make sure to go back to the proper build location (wherever/lineage/
) before brunch