A tiny app to help with filling air cylinders.
Go to https://cylfill.wjdp.uk/ to try it out.
- Runs a countdown for how long a cylinder should take to fill given: size, starting and desired pressure and fill rate.
- Notifies you when fill should be complete. Caveat emptor:
- Only on devices that support it, excludes iOS for now.
- If the device kills the app before fill is complete notification will not be sent.
- Works offline, you just have to visit the URL once.
- Stores state to local storage, you can close and re-open while using the app.
- Stores logs of fills to history, currently only stored locally so not shared with other users.
- Tells you the average fill rate over all time and just today.
- Can be installed to phone home screen.
- Install dependencies with
npm install
- Run local copy with
npm run dev
- Run tests with
npm run test
- Run type checks with
npm run tsc
This project uses pre-commit, ensure you have it installed and run pre-commit install
before making commits.
This repo deploys its master branch to https://cylfill.wjdp.uk/ using Cloudflare Pages. Branches are deployed to <branch name>.cylfill.pages.dev
As the app is aggressively cached by a service worker, used for offline support, you won't get the new version straight away. To do so try the following:
- Refresh the app
- Close every instance of the app you have open
- Re-open the app
The app runs analytics to provide insight into how it's used and to help with improvements. You can view all analytics data on Plausible. I also collect crash logs using Sentry.
- Icons by Tabler