+ Short Documentation
🍚 Requirement :
- reactstrap
- npm install react-number-format (additional)
👀 Usage :
- Put this file to your component directory folder. You can choose to make a new folder or not.
- import this component to your views or other component in JSX.
☎️ Parameters :
- title = add title to input label
- value = set input value
- name = set input name
- onChange = set input function
- type = set input type
- width = set width of input
- disabled = boolean
- textAlign = gives text align to input text
- addedIcon = maybe you need icon to it
- addedOnClick = icon's function when user hit click
- format = decide to use number format or just common text input
- placeholder = set placeholder
- fontWeight = set font weight
📎 Example :
<InputField fontWeight="normal" placeholder="Write your name here" disabled={false} width="100px" title="Name"/>
📷 Preview :